
More visitors to the motorhome port in Bad Salzungen

More visitors to the motorhome port in Bad Salzungen

The motorhome port in Bad Salzungen in the Wartburg district has seen increasing popularity. According to the company’s own information, there were more than 4,200 arrivals and 20,300 overnight stays last year. That was seven and nine percent more than in 2023 and only slightly less than in the previous record year of 2019.

Camping near the graduation tower

Regular guests appreciate the proximity to the brine world, to the graduation tower and to the city center, says the municipal spa and tourism company. The average length of stay increased slightly to two and a half days. This is mainly due to guests who spend the night in a mobile home and attend an outpatient treatment from there.

Almost 97 percent of the visitors came from Germany. Among foreign guests, the Dutch are ahead of the Swiss.

Peninsula created on the Werra

The motorhome port was opened in 2014. The city had an industrial wasteland on the Werra redesigned with the help of several funding agencies for 5.6 million euros.

Next to the parking space, a tributary of the Werra was created with a peninsula on which a playground and a play golf course were created.

The spa and tourism company states that its goal for the new year is to maintain the achieved level of between 20,000 and 21,000 overnight stays.

The subsidy that some health insurance companies pay for overnight spa stays is independent of the type of accommodation, according to the motorhome port’s homepage. In addition to hotels and holiday apartments, the subsidy is also paid for mobile homes.