
The Haute École de la Province de Liège is a prominent player in permaculture education

The Haute École de la Province de Liège is a prominent player in permaculture education

Créer des Habitats Humains Durable Goods

Permaculture is an ethical approach focused on creating long-lasting human habitats and mimicking the way nature works. This daily training was intended for external professionals and was originally integrated into the bachelor’s degree program in agricultural sciences. La HEPL, a partner with the Belgian Permaculture Réseau (, suggest a complete training position based in the province.

Marianne Dawirs, Director of the Département des Sciences Agronomiques, explains the content of this apprenticeship training.

“For a year now, the introductory permaculture course has been intended for end-of-cycle students. The goal consists of the previous systems of vision that demand the environment, agriculture and agriculture, everything it is entitled to Practical methods of taking projects.”

Déjà 400 people formed

20 years ago and 400 people ago, permaculture was made successful with HEPL.

“The form of permaculture is a great benefit for my profession. I use the permaculture methods to find practical solutions to my imagination with my colleagues and my colleagues and to develop global projects that integrate a maximum of parameters. Par example: zone management “Natural or cellulose of a regenerating agriculture”confirmed Lucie, old student.

The reason for the idea of ​​​​engaging in permaculture agriculture is that HEPL proves that this agricultural technique allows the effectiveness of previous courses and beginners on the playing fields of the site.