
Perpetrators break into the packing station – then the police come

Perpetrators break into the packing station – then the police come

Two suspected fugitives

Teenager arrested after breaking into a packing station

Updated on January 11, 2025 – 4:23 p.mReading time: 1 min.

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A packing station (archive image): Three perpetrators are said to have broken into a packing station in Frankfurt. (Source: Christoph Hardt/imago)

Three perpetrators are tampering with a packing station in Frankfurt. But then they get uninvited visitors.

The police arrested a 16-year-old teenager in Frankfurt early Saturday morning. At around 4:50 a.m., the officers became aware of three people who were tampering with a packing station in a supermarket on August-Schanz-Strasse, as the Frankfurt police announced.

When the suspects saw the police, they fled. The officers gave chase and found a suspect a short time later in the bushes. The 16-year-old was arrested. The other two people escaped despite an immediate search.

The arrested man had various tools with him – presumably for the departure. 20 compartments were broken into at the packing station and the police also found a stolen package on the escape route. After the police measures were completed, the patrol handed the young people over to their parents.