
Family made extreme road trip with BYD: she commits one

Family made extreme road trip with BYD: she commits one

With an electric car road trip through the Australian now, a family came in the dangerous situation.

(Morais/Pxels, symbol image)With an electric car road trip through the Australian now, a family came in the dangerous situation.

An empty battery in the middle of the niry wing: a scenario that will be avoided with an electric car unthinkled. But that was exactly what a family passed on on their road trip with the BYD Atto 3 because she made an incidental mistake.

An Australian family ventured a road trip with their BYD Atto 3 that ended quickly in the disaster. How The driven Reported, there were too serious consequences inside

The result: an empty battery in the middle of the country road. This is a mistake that would probably not make a driver of a burner.

BYD Atto 3 RoadTrip: The fatal error when loading

The family wars on the vastness in this city in the Australian federal state Victoria when the battery level sewer the critical area. The registers are at zero, the case, but they had themselves chopped, nick was one of the only charged charging rooms. Instead, they wanted tests that would still come far from the BYD Atto 3 with its LFP battery. The answer: Exactly 17 kilometers before the finish was over. No reserve like a Tesla, no scope. Zero fraged zero fraft.

The electric car now stood on the roadside on a laid out road in the Australian province. A major problem for the family, because how does man load an electric car that leads away from any infrastructure?

Emergency charge for electric car: help from the farm

There was a long time there was a farm nearby. There they knocked and met an aid area of ​​farmer. To cegen for a long time, he invited his generator to a pick-up and broke him to the family that was left behind. After ten minutes, the BYD Atto 3 invited to the fact that he was able to drive the founder of the farmer.

There was a better solution there: a low-body 32-ampere socket on the dandruff enabled the quick load. Conventional 10-ampere loads would have taken hours. The electrical car in the shorter one to Weden die on the street. By chance, the farmer had a 100-kilowatt solar system on the roof, the electricity also came sustainable and free of charge. After -line conversation about electric cars, solar energy and agriculture, the farmer soar rejected a payment for electricity and help.

Electric car trips: Longer trips require planning

This incident remained the only incident on the rice. However, an optical rule for electric car travelers: range of range are nickenin preci and down to zero percent, plays a risky game. The basic rule “Always load when it is possible” was painfully ignored here.

However, the trip also bumped up many precaution of e-mobility. According to the report, the journey along the coast was a pleasure: the electric car was calm on the street, horny and offered excellent street designing thanks to the low shear point A. In addition, there was the comfort of the quiet, vibration -free driving. On long strikes, this is less fatigue, both for the driver and for the fellow travelers.

Nevertheless, there is also a need for optimization: Not all quick charging stations are rapidly. Some charging systems suffer from technical interstructures -or unreliable apps. Beder’s annoying war when a charging process suddenly drifts through the driver’s driving gear dauted as originally. But with a clever loading planning and a little patience, the problem could be largely surrounded.

Interpretable tips for long journeys with the electric car

Has remained of this road trip? On the one hand, the realization that the charging infrastructure grows steadily, but Nick Nick is perfect. To the other that the planning of an e-car hesia requires a lane than with a combustion engine. If you want to stay unexpectedly, you should consider the most important basic rules:

  1. Always loaded, reason it works: If you have a charging rooms, you should Siezen – the nick battery is also empty.
  2. Know the car: Some models have an emergency reserve, anere. BEM BYD Atto 3 is zero Frezent active.
  3. Take Osrustung with you: A mobile phone charger and various adapter help in emergencies.
  4. Realistically plan charging zones: One full of battery can last than expected, Bersn’s wellbeing several cars do a lodge station.
  5. Check charging points in advance: Apps such as plugshare have been assessed by the description and speed of charging stations.

In the end the family had luck. But the distinguishing mistake could also have ended much more unpleasant. An empty battery is just to be solved with a canister of gasoline. If you venture into long strikes with an electric car, you should be a plan B Haven or at least the patience, a deradesale.