
Consciation in Kremlin: Putin sprinkler brings shattering death message after falling flights

Consciation in Kremlin: Putin sprinkler brings shattering death message after falling flights

Shaking death message for Vladimir Putin. There were also Russian fatalities during the Schrecklin’s flight crash in Washington. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskow pond that are more fruhen is artist world champions in the event of misfortune.

  • Shaking death message for Vladimir Putin
  • Kremlin confirms death fruher diiskunstlauf world champion
  • Evgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov Ruin crash Died

The shock over the Schrecklin’s flight crash in Washington Still customs deep. On Wednesday evening (January 29th) there were in the US capital One -passenger flight and a helicopter collidator And crashed. There were several diiskunstlbauer, trainer and their relatives on the board. The US art skating association said that these were on the back of a training camp that took place as part of the national championships in Wichita in Kansas.

Shaking death message for

A few days after the flight excerpts, it is clear: The 67 Zoen were also two Russian fatalities, the freezing is artistic world champion Evgenia Shishkova and Vadim Taumov, who most recently worked as in the USA. A shredding death message, which has now also been braided by Kremlin presets Dmitri Peskow.

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Kreml confirms Death message afterwards flight cruise – mourning umiskunstlauf -World Champion

Like the US portal “Newsweek” Reports, the Kremlin expressed his condolences to the members of the fatalities. Peskow explained bad news from Washington on Thursday (January 30th) in Moscow on Thursday (January 30th).

According to Kremlin, no motto between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump planned

Peskow furr out that there is currently no plans for the fact that the Russian preids Vladimir Putin and the US President Donald Trump Contact with each other due to the flight pulling down. Hope has been great since Donald Trump’s re-election, the American could talk Putin into peace gates in order to finally promote the Ukraine war that had been raging since February 2022.

The Russian ISKUSTRAUGEBERGAGE also expressed unfamiliar country spendulum according to the flight of flight and once have made a significant contribution to the Russian art run. “

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