
Philadelphia: Sick girl died in the crash of flight News

Philadelphia: Sick girl died in the crash of flight News

Philadelphia (USA) – You should save the life of a sick girl. Now they are suspected of having brought him and five widening people: Untitled Saustoff bottles could be the cause of the drop in the flight in Philadelphia.

Uhm 6:06 p.m. On Friday (place), Learjet 55 used for medical transport from the Jet Rescue Air ambulance from Northeast Philadelphia Airport started. 30 seconds later Exploded the flight at a height of 500 meters.

Such a Learjet 55 of the Jet Rescue with a Mexican identifier fell on Philadelphia

Such a Learjet 55 of the Jet Rescue with a Mexican identifier fell on Philadelphia

A board: two pile, a doctor, wicker, a mother from Mexico and her sick daughter. They were all dead immediately. The Mexican prisote Claudia Sheinbaum poured the deaths on Saturday. The plane, the small patient after life -grade treatment in the USA Should bring to her home, was literally torn apart in the air.

The street around the crash location is reconciling a rubble

The street around the crash location is reconciling a rubble

Photo: DDP/Abaca Press

Flight tea sets of houses in the brand

The rubble rushed to the intersection of Cottman/Bustleton Avenue. There in front of the unity of the Roosevelt Mall with shops and fast food shops, on the other houses. Burning parts of the Learjet bumps and cars in brand.

According to the Belmeister of Philadelphia, Cherelle Parker, a person was also petted on the ground in the crash. 19. How Cnn Reported, at least six were admitted by Ihenen to Temple University Hospital. Three can be discharged after their treatment, the condition of the three is good.

Diesies Haus was set in the brand by falling flight train

Diesies Haus was set in the brand by falling flight train

Photo: DDP/Abaca Press

It can be seen on a rump-leaf part that Learjet 55 kept war as an outpatient clinic plane

It can be seen on a rump-leaf part that Learjet 55 kept war as an outpatient clinic plane

Photo: Killiom Pontes/@Kikatiechusa about AP/dpa

Oxygen bottle found in ruins

As a trigger of the explosion If oxygen bottles are suspected, die for the ventilation of the patients were on a board. One of the bottles was found in the rubble field.

An oxygen bottle from the rescue aviator and the scene of the accident

An oxygen bottle from the rescue aviator and the scene of the accident

Photo: Anadolu about Getty Images

“After an overly reason, it is very likely that oxygen and (…) trimming fuel could have triggered such a strong explosion, since it was medical Traction Acts, ”said Fox news-Korrespondenz rich Zeoli, citing local sources.

The FBI, the airfares’ authority FAA and the National Supervision of Transport NTSB have started the interruptions of the crash site.

ATF agents arrive at the crash location

ATF agents arrive at the crash location

Photo: Matthew Hatcher/Getty Images via AFP

Experts are also looking for explosives

Agents of the multi -Soral alcohol, tobacco and Firearms (ATF) are on site. They are specialists for dying like after explosives. Investigators still do not want to and cannot cause any cause.

Zick cars can torch after the crash - and initially only assess the extent of the disaster of the disaster

Zick cars can torch after the crash – and initially only assess the extent of the disaster of the disaster

Photo: DDP/Abaca Press

It is the second -heavy flight access to in the United States within three days. On Wednesday the capital Washington Line machine with a black-hawk hubstruber of the army. The crash cost 67 people.

Flight crash in Washington: The Ledzte radio message from the tour

Source: X, AP