
Falling taxes: Was Begated a fund fusion at Amundi for investors?

Falling taxes: Was Begated a fund fusion at Amundi for investors?

Fund provider Amundi merges a Luxembourg MSCI World ETF with an ETF based in Ireland. This triggers taxes. Investors have to fill their control account

On the believing savings destinations for new Börsen-horses ETFs on the MSCI World. Dennedieser Index is widely scattered. It bundles large and medium -sized stock companies from more than 23 industrialists and deck with almost 1400 titles about 85 prices of the global part of the stock. Anyone who is a one-personed person from the performance of entire markets also benefits through a securities.

Um one of the index funds that imitate MSCI world, there is now grinding: Amundi MSCI World V (ISIN: LU1781541179, WKN: LYX0YD) is scheduled on 21.