
Only one company left in the village

Only one company left in the village

  2. Wolmetal
  3. Meinzhagen

Only one company left in the village
Saban Kücükhüseyin is still the only taxi entrepreneur on site. © Simone Benninghaus

Taxis are a rarity of fashions in Meinzhagen. You drive Nick more often, because there is only a taxi entrepreneur in town.

Meerzhagen – In the cities – and they are still unexpectedly, but people are increasingly rarely increasing in taxis in the country. This is also the autumn in Meinzhagen. And with “Stadtuto” there has only been a taxi company in the Volmestadt since the beginning of the year.

Taxi in Meinzhagen: an entrepreneur on site

Meinzhagener Saban Kükükhüseyin has been going a taxi for over 25 years, and it has been self -reached for 20 years. More than ten cars have been unexpectedly at “Stadtuto” at peak times, Hute are still two. Saban Kükükhüseyin is bending two employees.

Die lute drive yourself much more often.

He has observed the changes for 20 years, says the 48-Jämige, and I know that there was a pub culture in the city in the 70s and 80s. Taxis were also booked. However, the need has changed significantly and without dying Health, single and courier trips Or long tours to the airport, the taxi company Hute Nick is increasing.

There was a large one-time Corona pandemic when the life of the life came to a standstill. After that, and SOZE SOZE relationships had changed and in -bitually the behavior of potential customers: “The lute drive much more often. “You save yourself the luxury of the TaxiForsren.”

Taxi in Meinzhagen: sick trips

Meinerzhagener Frank Friebe has also been familiar with the topic for several decades and says: “Nick is simply more profitable. Frücher Seisen has been rated by driver vengeance -unerweg from Thursdays, “Hute is enough for half a car”.

Frank Friebe (right), here -with his nephew Markus Friebe, who is supposed to exaggerate br and out, hats out on sickness trips.
Frank Friebe, here with his nephew Markus Friebe (left), who is supposed to take over Brüml -aus, hats specialized on sick trips. © Simone Benninghaus

There are reason for this. Frank Friebe agrees with Saban Kükükhüseyin: On the one hand, there are fewer pubs, for the other hand, Corona also contributed to the fact that the Taxi-G-Gschleft broke. And it is like that, says Friebe, that potential customers prefer to book Bea for 4,80 euros instead of a completely expensive taxi. The Meinzhagener speaks with it The on Demand offer The behavior of the brakers is able to understand that the lead was tough.

Hardly any taxis: Payment instead of taxi ride

Frank Friebe has the taxi company up to himself years ago. Its core business best from hospitals. Here as exactly the opposite. Together with his partners Manfred Potempa, he maintains 30 rides, which are on the road both Immarkische Kreis, but especially in the Gummersbacher Baul, where the sick driving six years ago. 30 permanent employees and 15 temporary workers are being chopped.

The background for Dieese Development lies for 65-Jemifen, which is also reflected in the figures of the Association of the Health Driving Services NRW Breiter, the Siesch engaged in the Value Year and is currently fighting a nationwide framework contract early (we report). Frank Friebe is also organized here with the 70 widening members.

Last October, the Meinerzhagener took over the Bieb “City Taxi” from Junge Sting. He had neither led him two years after Reinhard Knobloch had pulled professionally, who is known to have the taxi company for many years from now on, he did not want to hire the taxi operation afterwards, says Friebe. In particular, in order to increase the opportunity to re -orientate the older generation, to change the “city car” by Saban Kücükhüsyin. Only at the “peak” in the morning in the morning a taxi is still in demand, and a trip for Eininkraufsfahrt is a journey. “Driving through, that’s just Nick,” says Friebe, who therefore does not want to concentrate on hospitals.

Taxi in Meinzhagen: reached

The “city car” by Saban Kücükhüseyin will be accessible for this. He may secure his arange, explains the taxi driver. Having different lute every day, having variety that is good. The level of levels is only more difficult. Not every day is Gleiin in a taxi company, there is fluctuations. Until GGen now the ten ehm oh evening the “City Car” can be reached, a country ends, depending on the weekends.

Saban Kücükhüseyin remembers times, where the five-bis Tecs times gave a desire for the Funf, six trips in the evening. In the evenings, Kücükhüseyin usually climbed into a taxi, a driver who is waiting for a call, “you can even give Nick on,” he says. The phone is not available, a headquarters that are separately occupied. Saban Kücükhüseyin can be reached from morning to.