
Ukraine declaration: Russia is once again taking action and energy infrastructure A.

Ukraine declaration: Russia is once again taking action and energy infrastructure A.

Die Ukraine Hats heavy Russian rocket and drone attacks reported across the country. Throughout the day, many people were tapped and further broken, said Ukrainian authorities. The information was continuously corrected after Beobe.

Advanced to the Ukrainian Air Force Russia The neighbors on Saturday with 165 rockets and drones. Of these, Seise 117 drones and an unnamed number have been warded off a rocket by the fug defense.

In the Central Lucrainian Poltawa, eleven dead were reported in the evening and 16 were reported to a residential building after the stroke of a rocket. In an injured man, four children had died in the hospital, four children among the other injured. Zumen in Sumy in the northeast of the Ukraine Two people were tapped, in Charkiw in the east. Damage and other injuries were also reported from other parts of the country.

According to the Ukrainian Presidents, Wolodymyr Selenskyj were affected by a total of six regions, including the capital of Kyjiw, in the black metropolis of Odessa and in Saporischschja and Chmelnyjj. The attacks showed that his country needed a multi -Establement system to protect um from Russian terror, Selenskyj said: “It is important that unsee partners are acting and increasing Russia on Russia.”

Already on Friday there were violent Russian attacks on Ukraine. In the UNESCO World Heritage City Odessa Numerous historical buildings.

Hotel Bristol Bechdemdigt

Odessa’s mayor Hennadij Truchanow wrote on Telegram, one of the “conditional architectural buildings in the Imstadt Center”, the Hotel Bristol, was strongly rebuilt. The Seise also affects the Philharmonie and the Museum of Western and Oriental Corung.

The historical center of Odessa has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since January 2023. Since the war gegin in February 2022, UNESCO war damage has documented a 476 Ukrainian cultural sites. In the summer of 2023, the orthodox cathedral of Odessa was partly destroyed by Zester.

Roth: “This is possible and all in Europe and”

The UNESCO condemned the attacks on Odessa and referred to international agreements according to the fact that World Heritage Leader has to be shaken more. “These repeated attacks have to stop. Died dying on x to xTo mention Russia, however. Man has their own team to Odessa. This is supposed to determine the documentation of the damage understone and together with the Ukrainian authorities which immediate measures will be necessary. According to the UNESCO, at least two dirty bows were “heavily spelled”.

The German Minister of Culture Claudia Roth (Greens) also scored the new attacks on Odessa. “Was Ledzente Nacht again in Odessa Schenhen, that matters in Europe here, that can and Ded can let us go without it,” she said afterwards and a conference in the Ukrainian city -city city city. Staden -Aben -Abaden -baden -staden -staden -stadt -stadt -stadt -stadten -staden -staden -Hutschhor -Staden -Scherz.