
The theater box starts with wit, depth and musical enjoyment into the new year – culture

The theater box starts with wit, depth and musical enjoyment into the new year – culture

Matertheater with Don Quijote a Saturday, February 1st, um 8 p.m., the theater box has top -class theatres, the organizer said. The ensemble Matertheater Steehe for the background, modern Volktheater and has been exploited several times.

With their new album “City of Derbe”, the singer-songwriter Klaus Zeh & Adeline want to conquer the Bühen of the German south and the ores of their listeners on Friday, February 14, um 8 p.m. It is only a deep look in the world and into the niches of society that makes their music unique. The songs of the duo seses bitingly, humorous, eloquent, charming and spirit pond. Entry that will not be forgotten.

  • Supp’Kulturur: The open stage die

On Friday, February 21st, um 8 p.m., Froth Marina Capek The Clownin Camilla alias Berenike Felger Dask the program. Admission costs 10 euros, including a bowl of Ude.

Unless the management of the experienced playman Günther Görgen, the theater box opens on Monday, March 17th, um 19 Ärr, your house – for

On Saturday, March 22nd, um 20:00 the actresse Feist and Astrid Kohrs with a lot of buttocks the phenomenal cultural achievement of the lodge and will be the fiddle high school teaching.


The mixture of German chansons, which Marina Capek and Manfred Wirth distinguishes as a cautious meusical trauma couple November November November -is touching varied. On Saturday, April 26, um 8 p.m., they want to take the audience with them.

Tickets for the events in the theater box in Neuhausen, Pforzheimer Straße 1, are available on

