
Women now have to reserve at least 33% in all bore bodies all over India

Women now have to reserve at least 33% in all bore bodies all over India

Through every billing, I just don’t see a single real reason for this in this count. It goes without saying that this was also the most convincing demand that has not been fulfilled for a long time. There can definitely be no profit that it is now ripe to start moving in motion in order to determine key positions in bare bodies in all dishes in our country in all of our dishes in India, which, as we all knowTH Republic Day the most pompus.

I am completely understood that this why women’s reserve cannot be carried out in all baits in all courts all over the country, even after almost 80 years of independence, which makes me hang in shame! I am very firmly convinced that the reservations for important positions for women such as President, General Secretary, etc. every alternative year should be carried out, but definitely not permanently, as this is synonymous with serious injustices for men by prestigious in all circumstances From every perspective, but for a year for women every alternative, it is far better realized that the men should also be ready to take up! It definitely cannot deny or deny!

It is most encouraging in the local Hindi newspapers of February 1, 2025 Sharma, Meenakshi Rai, Renu Sharma, Amresh Chaudhary, Dipika Chaudhary, Anubha Saini, Yogita, Alka Gautam, Neha Chauhan, Preeti Saini, Sita Rani, Ghazala, Ghazala Ansari and Monika Gaur, among other things, pay attention to a mandorandum in this regard in the memorandum, in which the conditions for the memorandum were prohibited in this regard under the memorandum in this regard. Association – Mr. Rohitasshwa Kumar Agarwal and thus also to the Secretary General of the Geaout Bar Association – Mr. Amit Dixit. In this memorandum, it was pointed out that the participation of women increases very quickly over time in every area in our society. It was complained with a deep feeling of agony that he had never taken place more than a century and a half ago the appointment of supporters of women in important places such as president, general secretary and treasurer, despite a deep feeling of fear that has never been more than more than had set up a century and a half. I am certainly deeply shocked to learn about this most unpleasant and undeniable truth that definitely ensures the most depressing reading.

I just have no hesitation of all kinds to admit that a lawyer who has gone through a crime from men would be most hesitant for whom she would be most hesitant. Apart from that when more women are appointed key positions, their self -confidence would improve immensely, and this enables them to be shoulder with men in every respect without being depressed, not being represented as we are Currently have to see what has to change as a change is the law of progress. Even the former Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, rightly said: “Nobody can stop an idea whose time has come.”

It was pointed out by the delegation of women to the officials of the Meerut Bar Association that even the Supreme Court in Aditi Chaudhary against Bar Council of Delhi finally on September 26, 2024 and thus also Foziya Rahman against Bar Council of Delhi and Ors in in The SLP (c) No. 24485/2024, which was finally delivered on December 19, 2024 according to Article 142 of the Constitution! It is most refreshing, calming and rejuvenating to experience what made her happy.

It is worth noting that the APEX Court in Aditi Chaudhary was the case: “After hearing an experienced Senior Counsel for the parties, especially Mr. Mohit Mathur, experienced lawyer and president of the Delhi High Court Bar Association and considering the statements In the bar we turn it on:

(i) The session of the general committee of the Delhi High Court Bar Association (in short, the “HR chamber”)) will be kept as early as possible, but later than 10 days from today.

(II) The general committee of the Bar Association has considered to reserve the post of treasurer exclusively for the female members of the Bar Association.

(III) In addition to reserving the office of treasurer for the women’s members of the HRIMAMER, the general institution is also free to take into account the desirability of reserving a further position of the official for women’s members of the Chamber of Life Council.

(IV) At least 03 women’s members are present in a similar way of 10 executive members. The general committees can also remedy that 03 women’s members of the Executive Committee will at least be a senior lawyer. “

It is worth noting that the Supreme Court in Para 4 found in the case of FOIZIYA RAHMAN: “As a result, the following interim instructions are issued:

(i) There is only one post by the treasurer, as is already the case in the Delhi High Court Bar Association. The treasurer mentioned is planned exclusively for candidates for women in the following elections.

(II) A post of members of the Executive Committee, which are to be elected from the lawyers named by the seniors, is also only intended for the senior lawyers for women.

(III) In the next category of those who are to be chosen among the supporters of 25 years of practice, such a post of the Executive member is also intended exclusively for candidates for women.

(IV) The choice of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court is held on the planned date. “

In addition, in Para 5 of this FOIZIYA RAHMAN case, it was stated that “Delhi’s NCT associations are instructed that in every single district lawyer association of the posts of treasurer, candidates for women of this bar association are only intended. Since the strength of the members of the Executive Committee/the management committee of the district lawyers’ associations varies from Bar to Bar to Bar, 30% of the positions of executive members (including the reservations already reserved) are planned in each district lawyer for the candidates for women who are at least 10 Practiced for years. The instructions in relation to the composition of executive committees of district lawyers’ associations are also experimental and can vary in the future after considering the proposals received by the members of the Bar Association. The elections of the district lawyers’ associations in the NCT of Delhi will also take place in accordance with the planned data. “

It would be instructive to note that the Supreme Court in the Supreme Court, regardless of a decision, which was passed by the special authority of the SCBA, must be reserved for some of the positions in the Executive Committee to the women’s members of the Bar Association. Accordingly, we have so far guided them, including the following elections, that the members of the HRIMMER deals with women: the following effect:

(i) at least 1/3RD Seats in the Executive Committee DH 3 of 9.

(II) at least 1/3RD From the leaders, ie 2 of 6.

(iii) At least one position of the official is reserved for women for women exclusively by rotating and rotating base.

(IV) In the following elections for 2024-2025, the position of the treasurer of the Executive Committee for Women is reserved. “

The Supreme Court was also granted that things cannot remain static for decades, and timely reforms to meet the challenges that could face the institution from time to time must be carried out. During the addition of a restriction, the bank also hurried to add: “However, such reforms must be submitted after the proposals of the members of the Bar Association. In fact, some proposals were invited by the members of the Bar Association, including the official of the Executive Committee of the Supreme Court, in our order from August 14, 2023. “

Undoubtedly, the time is now ripe to open the change in this regard by immediately ensuring that women now have to reserve at least 33% in bar bodies in all of our dishes, so much water has already flown under the bridge. It is definitely no longer a delay! The earlier that is, the better it should be! Not to deny or deny!