
Like hotels and restaurants employees

Like hotels and restaurants employees

The hotel and restaurant industry in Schleswig-Holstein sets up in many places on nods to win and halen. These include discounts, team events or further training. It was more as a smile as the end of the Corona period, said the main business body of Dehoga Schleswig-Holstein, Stefan Scholtis. But still many brides could nod nodly nor any positions.

According to Scholtis, this is on the one hand amodel

“According to over-the-station surveys, the shortage of specialist and arids has been part of the largest business raw in the hospitality industry for years,” said tourism expert at the IHK Schleswig-Holstein, more than half of the companies surveyed indicate that there are no freedom of the country. .

Positions in the industry on average almost half a year vacant

According to data from the Federal Agency for Aritit, the period between the extension of an open position and its new setting in the frozen year in the national average in Schleswig-Holstein was around 162 days. “This reflects special challenges of the companies in Schleswig-Holstein Breiter, qualified traders at finds and halen.”

The hospitality is in strong competition with many other two. “Young people are increasingly value until a good work-life balance, flexible arbitration hours and possible snapshots for self-realization, it was easier to implement in other branches,” said Atasoy.

Help with housing week and pasture formation

Many companies in Schleswig-Holstein have recognized that it is important to bind both new employees and to bind existing long-term long-term. “They invest in attractive arbitration conditions, enable flexible arbitration hours as part of their possible nions, Terstein supports the professional development of their co -riders of the writing trainingers and said Atasioy. In regions with scarce living space, some companies offer subsidies or housing allowances or pray a job tickets.

Smaller houses haven it OFL -Scherer

The Maritim Hotelkette, which also includes several hotels in Schleswig-Holstein, offers its employees, for example, advanced training, trading events, start-up rates Füvatte Füscheiden Incheiden Inscheiden Inchelistailistelstelstleutel Oderstleutel Füscheden Adheschtel Rer Homepage. It is more difficult for smaller house or brothers in smaller places, said Dehoga general manager Scholtis.

The Haven also found that gastronomes and hoteliers IMPECIALICHEN North Sea resort St. Peter-Dording. A few years ago, five Brütbe to recruit and binding the North Sea collective, Haven Haven. “We can be able to bundle more resources, much more than if everyone cooks their own soup,” said Alessia Mezzadonna, head of the BemSmstiv personnel system, the part of the part. “We all have the same way of thinking, but the limited values ​​are very inexperienced.” And together it can make it big and right.

It is in an impressive man of the employees to offer something so that they stay, said Mezzadonna. Many had the job, but they would not have found a connection in the village or had been unrolling something, a gym for the addition. The Ernis then opened the North Sea collective for its cheers, out of apartments like a crewhouse with apartments. There are also discounts in the partner companies. “And if we were doing a lot, we are co -uneasy events.”