
Woman left the living room in her house seconds in front of the car

Woman left the living room in her house seconds in front of the car

A woman briefly avoided the disaster when A Car crashed In your living room seconds after she had come out of the room in Sydney, according to several reports and the police authority in Sydney.

Vanessa Bolas from the Sydney police authority in Australia confirmed that emergency services on January 31 at around 7:30 p.m. local time local time in a residence in the Whitford Road were called a house. ”

“The driver, a 25-year-old man and his passenger, a 29-year-old woman, were unharmed. The residents of the house were unharmed, ”added Bolas.

Bolas said that “officials bound to the police area of ​​the police area in Liverpool have started an investigation of the circumstances in connection with the crash”.

According to local news channels 9 messagesThe incident occurred during an alleged Incident with street tear in which a car drove down a residential street to follow another smaller vehicle. The driver of the smaller vehicle lost control of the car and finally fell into the living room of the house, which was inhabited by the owners Lucila Medramo and her husband at the time.

Medramo told the outlet that she was in the living room only seconds earlier.

“It was only two seconds,” she recalled. “I was out of the room for two seconds – just went out to get something.”

Medramo said that after the incident she described her adult daughter “in tears” and remembered that “I didn’t know what to do”.

The neighbors told the outlet that they were immediately alerted that something was wrong due to the crash.

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“Suddenly I heard a big bang, a massive bang,” said a neighbor.

Another remembered when he felt “really scared” when Medramo and her husband, who, according to 9 news have lived in the house for 35 years, did not come out of the house immediately after the crash.

“Fortunately, they did that,” said the neighbor.

Medramo and her husband have remained with her daughter since the incident, since it is currently unclear Structural damage caused by the crash per 9 messages. The couple currently do not know when they can return to the house.

“It is very (hurtful) because we were here for so long,” Medramo told the outlet.