
Youth Riding part – overturned with words: Herisauerin gaves with a journalistic sense and receives a renowned price of the FAZIT Foundation

Youth Riding part – overturned with words: Herisauerin gaves with a journalistic sense and receives a renowned price of the FAZIT Foundation

Overgrown with words: Herisauerin Beiistert with a journalistic Espur uses renowned price of the FAZIT Foundation

Sara Fiore, Maturandin at the Trogen cantonal school, received a prize for her journalistic contributions as part of the “Youth Schreitil” project on Thursday evening in Frankfurt am Main. In addition, the Trogen canton school was issued with the 2024 school prize.

Sara Fiore at her acceptance speech, a award ceremony of the “Jugend Schreitil” project in the FAZ Tower in Frankfurt am Main.

Sara Fiore at her acceptance speech, a award ceremony of the “Jugend Schreitil” project in the FAZ Tower in Frankfurt am Main.

Image: ZVG

The joy with Herisauer Sara Fiore is great. “It gets a very exciting evening,” says the Maturandin of the Cantonal School Trosicht Renummertenpeis of the FAZIT Foundation. In addition, the 2024 school prize went to the Trogen canton school. The foundation was founded by the publishers and editors of the FAZ and awards scholarships, a other journalist schools.

The ceremonial penis ceremony found in the presence of representatives of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, the foundation, Witerer Pristärnen and award winners and numerous guests.

The “Jugend Schleitil” project, which SED was advertised annually in 1988, gives Schüllen and students the opportunity to die of topics for their reports under guidance for a year.

“We thought why Nick, ViLe, win someone else”

The fact that Sara Fiore gets the chance to take part in “Jugend Schreigeil” owes her German teacher Biggi Brünnle, who previously shaped a demect. «She was having a good class if we would like to participate. We thought why nods, many still wins. I thought of that, I thought of that, »fiore explains in retrospect.

Brünnle and German teacher Hannes Koller Beleliteten the classes and provided help with the first journalistic cords of cords on the forms of representation, representations or characteristics.

As a result, the hats of the hats to ensure that you can ensure possible topics, ideas overall and a teacher forwarded. There was also support from the editorial team of the FAZ and the media education Izop Institute, which is an argument point the impression of testimonials for media education. After Fiore’s first suggestions for topics were given to both her teacher as and by the editorial team for intestine, she has to get off with the slice. “As soon as I was in the flow, I really enjoyed writing.”

Your article entitled “She likes to fly, only nodded by StZ”, acted by a Swiss woman who Studierert University, there very successful football The contact with the former Schöllerin of the Canton School Trosicht has come about Fiores Deutschehrin Biggi Brünle.

The slope remains a hobby for the time being

Fiore discovered the passion for the slopes already freely, week in a different context. “I’ve always liked to write, but not to the extent.” She also has inspirers her Murger, die in her free time hobbymäs columns and snacks protection. But it was only Derk that the writing of journalistic texts had found that it was good for her. Reporting about the knowledge, she recorded the talks.

Eight reports have been joined as part of the project. Nevertheless, the text “He is tired of sleeping”, in Demsia narcoleptic, who is repeatedly Ibermannt, as well as “In the end everything is in the bucket” and “it straightens up – if it comes up.”

Despite her success, Sara Fiore sees her professional future Nick primarily in journalism. “Funnily enough, I don’t die, I see the slect like hobby.” She plans to study one of the University of St.Gallen (HSG) Law and Economics.

Nevertheless, she does not rule out that Schleben will continue to play a role in her life. “In my freewrezezeit, I can do an internship at a newspaper at some point.” However, it has nothing planned in this RUND.