
Monasteries loading to “Find your light”

Monasteries loading to “Find your light”

On the popular day “Mariä Lichtmess”, dying was disassembled and the Christmas trees were treated out of the house.

Winter resting phase ended. For the eighth time, monasteries and former monastery resorts in Westphalia invite you to do so around the 2nd one -engine “Find your light” Visits A 41 Different Links can locate light processes, exhibitions, concerts, services and prayers, pour candles and discover the monastery in the region.

End of Christmas

The festival quickly disappeared from everyday life. Until the 20th century War February 2 at Bayern SOAG, a Ferertag. In the Catholic Church, the Christmas season officially ended on Sunday after Dreikönig on January 6th. But some families, but also cities and gems, hold onto the old custom – for example in the Allgäu and in the Ore Mountains.

In the Saxon cities -zwönitz and Olbernhau Beuchtenspiel for Sunday, together “blow out the lights” – with, aszel, with, butchor and with, butchor and with, with, with, with, with, with, with, with, and men and bratwurst. The mayors give the signal on time around 18 Ärz, Mith -The City Church, the mayor: Then the Beleustungers of the central Christmas tree, the city church, the cities -abische -abische -abschen -Abschen and and and not

The day gains brightness

A peasant rule is clear that the days of the winter solstice are neither longer: “Christmas around a ‘müken cut, New Year’s Eve around a’ hungry, three -Cologne -in -Hirchen -Hirchen -light -light -light -light -light -light – Light -light -Beich -Leicht -Leichtmess -Stund. Day in Germany in February one hour and 20 minutes of brightness, IMRZ is quickly two hours.

With February 2, Siche combines many folklors and also farm rules. A light measurement received duties from Viielerorts the annual wage; They can reenact themselves with their service or change the arite. The time to Agatha (February 5) war of the kind of contractually shifter nickstun, which was called the “Schlenklweil”. At the same time, light measurement started preparing for the new field work. The festive rules are about the anticipation of the frowning year: “When a light measurement storms and snows, the joy is no longer far.”

Old festival of the church

Laised religiously, light measurement is one of the oldest of the church: Since the beginning of the fifth anniversary, it has been in Jerusalem on the 40th day after the birth of Jesus. In Rome Ferry Sterge Church the holiday around 650.

“Mariä Lichtmess” Hiß until 1969 in the Catholic Church also “Mariä cleaning” or “Representation of the Lord”. This is linked to the report of the Lukas Gospel, after which Mary made a unification opera 40 days after the birth of Jesus, as the Jewish law stated. Beisim Evangelist Lukas can be read that. There Jesus was recognized by the Prophet Simeon and Hanna as Redeemer. From him, “a light that enlightens the heaths”.

The custom of candle blessing and lighting processions has occurred since the eleventh century. A light measurement was then also for churches and families, which is why wax markets, equivalent (er) measure, trade fair, erort, wesmsmsm, like, were, also light survey, wadrums expert. Until Hute there are still wax and candle markets in some places. According to him, fruits also took place.

Seven tips for better light in the house and garden

He already has Neuschwanstein Castle Illuminerter, the sea museum “Oceanum” in Stralsund and the Frankfurt Roman, an outside church such as the Dome in Kölln, Hildesheim and recently in Eichstätt. Walter Bamberger is also a real luminary in the field of lighting design. At the beginning of the Catholic News Agency (KNA), the 78-year-old electrical engineer from the Upper Bavarian Pfünz now gives seven tips for better light in the house and garden. Because the dark season is according to the Eperten a.