
Peterka and Sabres in the track of success

Peterka and Sabres in the track of success

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German NHL star in the track of success

The Munich team won at least one scorer point in the third game in the third game in the third game.

Next scorer point: John-Jason Peterka

Next scorer point: John-Jason Peterka

© T. Ludwig

The Munich team won at least one scorer point in the third game in the third game in the third game.

The German ice hockey player John-Jason Peterka and his Buffalo Sabres have a run in the North American professional league NHL: Semem third Dieg The victory of the Sabsabersaber after rent 4: 3 against the New Jersey Devils Samma-Samma-Samma-Samma -Samta-sama-samta-lada-chama-damna-mama-sama-dech-dech-dech-dech-shama-dirten-dama-dirten-assema-dama-dama-dama -Dirten-Samta-Dirten-Sama-Dirten-Samta-Dech-Samma-Dirten-Samma-Dech-Samta-Samta-Dirten. A scorer point.

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The native of Munich scored 2: 0 (16th) in the third in the Erffungs on the wiping center and improved his scorer account to 41 points. Despite their success series, the Sabres with 47 points continued to be chosen by the worst team in Eastern Conference.