
Offenbacher CDU fails with a request for different nutmegation

Offenbacher CDU fails with a request for different nutmegation

  1. Startsee
  2. Offenbach

Offenbacher CDU fails with a request for different nutmegation
Reason to go to Offenbach’s CDU, the future station Mitte could be new home for apartments and businesses – and this city library will remain in the book tower instead. © Julius Fastnacht

In the Offenbacher City City Order of the City -the CDU demands and fails to rethink the use of the center in the former Kaufhofbüde.

Offenbach – If a sofa was at Ikea and lies uncomfortable, the Schedian furniture manufacturer can send it back for two weeks. At the CDU Seems man in terms of Kaufhofbüde Haven a lot of service. Actually, the parliamentary group had agreed with the magistrate’s decision for the future station in the middle: the heart should therefore be the heart New city library Become. But now opposition will die.

“The route of the property is obsolete,” Grün explains the urgency application of his party. Because: the originally Upper event location on the Kaufhof-roof it is impossible for static reasons – with which a possible source of income for the municipality is developing. “The vertebral line must be viewed by the very anti -tensioning budget situation. The magistrate should finally submit a mandate concept that can advise here, ”adds Grün.

They dream of inner-ups of the 60s 90s of the narrowing end of the year.

CDU would like Protren to see whether brewing is useful for businesses and living -like

And when it comes to the CDU, then one with which books may not play a role. The Christian Democrats want -whether the house is one of the Frankfurter Strasse Asole for trade, also bisros -Oden shop shops, coins; Alternative also for apartments. Offenbach’s city library would continue to live in this scenario.

The government coalition rules the best. Natascha Kabir (Greens) says, for example: “Einstadtbüry is certainly Nick the vertebral solution. However, I am also not overturning that the vertebral substances solution for the center station is the most sensible and sustainable. “

Marion Guth (Left), who shares the opposition fate -with the CDU, says: “It is market -radical to believe that the library is so rennnet that you can get it. Rather, the profit lies in the increasing level of education of the people who Siezen. “The advance, a purely ment, but this will not be more. “

Kämerer Martin Wilhelm: Business concept can currently be presented Nick

And so you will also merge Kämerer Martin Wilhelm (SPD) To spice. “Interested inner cities are faced with a significant change. And that’s why a Schenelle solution needs, ”he says. For reasons of speed, Mann had a decision to found their own company with the Mitte GmbH station in order to advance the project. “So that the library comes into the heart of the city center as quickly as possible”, Früt he zu and clarifies: “The library also leads to skin tenants of the center.”

In addition, a business concepepper, as the CDU is already asking for, is currently hardly pretentable. At the end, the magistrate died as well as after a general contractor only started in September. “We are currently in the middle of the procurement pristine. The dialogue phase with the bidder and bidders does not begin to talk. “

More serious changes, such as the CDU -Jetzt -Ferder, would be simple Inten city development MISSING. And so the CDU’s application also fails. Except for the external, the in front of which Helge Herget in front of which the center of the center Mitte compares as a possible Eurograb with the stadium on Bieberer Berg, the city councils learn the move.