
Large rate on the alp diuses

Large rate on the alp diuses

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Use due to a dangerous fabric died fire brigade in Bolzano on Saturday. A chemical escaped in a hotel.

Bozen – in the Hotel Floralpina On the Alm Sißer in South Tyrol Had to deploy the fire brigade on Saturday (February 1). The reason for this was a hazardous substance of alarm level 7, in a report. With full shots including respiratory protection, death tried to indress the danger.

Large deployment on the Alm Seiser: chemical in the hotel

Chlorine came to the hotel. The cause of chlorine exit in the hotel was a technician defect in a pump in the machine room of the wellness consultation, such as Die Neus Südtiroler newspaper Cross -part. The chemical should be made of the pump mixto, with chlorine fights emerged, the part of the portal Nearlights for South Tyrol.

Large rate on the alp diuses
Fire brigade operations in the Hotel Floralpina in South Tyrol. The factories of the Auer volunteer fire brigade were also in its place. © Fotomontage Screenshot Volunteer fire brigade Auer/Facebook

The caretaker of the hotel as well as a Witerer hotel planer and problem problem to solve and were connected to the hazardous substance. They were brought to the Einkrankenhaus.

“Fighting the chlorine exit through overpressure ventilation effect,” said the commander of the Seiser Alm volunteer fire brigade, Lukas Gasslitter. The hooked fabric was diluted with water and the room was then ventilated. The guests of the hotel had to be evacued, as Gasslitter further explained.

Large of the fire brigade: hazardous substances emerge in the hotel

The volunteer fire brigade Seiser Alm, Sis on Schlern and Auer as well as the Bolzano fire brigade were at the site. The Carabinieri and the White Kreuzz were also involved. The Auerer fire brigade took over the decontamination of the activity staff and equipment Facebook Cross -part.

The focus is on the Bozen region at the moment, When there was a mass poisoning on the alpine hut. In mid -January in a Expose the believing South Tyrolean excursion destination for the morning insert. The reason for this was one in a five-star hotel. (VK)