
Wiesbaden: Hänierer men’s gaps with assault rifles in bar

Wiesbaden: Hänierer men’s gaps with assault rifles in bar

Wiesbaden – Heller Au -Frihr between cocktails, beer and a good mood! So the situation love itself, die on Saturday evening in a bar in Wiesbaden Suddenly there was a good deal. The reason for this.

The police presented (symbolic photo)

The police presented (symbolic photo) © 123rf/Majestix77

Alarmerer was died police According to a spider at around 9:25 p.m., guests of a restaurant on Steinern Straße Imstad part Mainz-Kastel. There the Anrofer dying had a group of people who seemed to be dealing with everything -with -a assault rifle.

Azeschens of the message made, investigators immediately on the way, but luckily they can quickly give the all -clear.

Because the supposed rifle was only a – Daskaus Detalgeuen – replica – one of them. As the Language continued, the replica was probably only by original insatiable Angien that it was Nick.

Not a rag, but with alcohol: 17-year-old races with 150 km/h in front of the police
Police reports
Not a rag, but with alcohol: 17-year-old races with 150 km/h in front of the police

According to Dermnner, who were in the rifle, this served as an opposite for one of the people present.

But the gift of gift gift behind them. In addition to some warning words of the law enforcement officers, Nick was only initiated one investigation process because of the violation of the weapon network.

In addition, the stone of the abandonment became confiscated by the officials.