
Good news from Rhineland-Palatinate, daily in the live blog

Good news from Rhineland-Palatinate, daily in the live blog

New enclosure for tigers and foxes, a garbage chamber campaign in a nature reserve and the Eifel crime on auxiliary use in Ukraine – time for good news:

Sunday, February 2nd

New enclosure for tigers and fogs in the Maßweiler animal station

Good news is available from the Tieraufation Maßweiler: Some animals get a new, nicer home in the year. So there should be new go for tigers and fur animals. And: The white tigers Charlota and her sister Ramba are doing well. Both were saved from their private residents in the Czech Republic. But for himself, Eva Lindenschmidt was told about the animals from the animal station:


The white Tigerin Charllota lives in the animal dipper station in Maßweiler.

Dimmarzer neither frotes
Tiger and foxes get new mountains in the Maßweiler animal wing station

Tigers, raccoons, silver foxes and many anere animals have a home in the animal sanctuary in Maßweler. Some four -legged friends will soon move into new go.

Garbage chamber campaign in Ahr-Naturschmholz area

The “Ahr Valley Foundation” invites Hute to clean the cleaning area in the Ahr Mündung area of ​​Remagen-Kripp. The aim is to free the nature reserve of garbage and dangerous substances, it is said. So an important contribution to the preservation of the ecological diversity could be made. Die from the Bergen Foundation for the fifth time. In the decrees, large quantities had been collected in garbage and troubled substances. The “Foundation Ahrtal” was founded after the flood disaster in 2021.

Thursday, January 30th, 2025

Eifeler Krimibus Transporters in the future fractze in Ukraine in the future

For a good ten years, the crime crib from Hillesheim tourists drove a fictional and real places of crime. It is said to be used nun in the Krigs area of ​​Ukraine in local transport and also transport reletted people. On the sewing, driver Dirk Umbach brings the bus fully loaded with relief goods in Ukraine.


Dirk Umbach (left) and Heinz-Peter Thiel (right) of the association "Egg" Load relief supplies in the former crime dose that drives in Ukraine.

Humanititial help in the war zone
Eifeler Criminal consumption gets a new task in Ukraine

For a good ten years, the crime conspirator tourists drove the showcases of the Eifel crime novel. It is to be used in the Krigs area of ​​Ukraine in local transport and transport them.

Good morning RLP

SWR1 Rhineland-Palatinate

Tuesday, January 28th, 2025

Poster campaign of the Bingen for democracy

The Technical University in Bingen will shed the photo campaign for a fifth for democracy. All interested parties can take part in the campaign.


A man with a hat becomes a photographer, he is the action of the Bingen - one for democracy

Big crowd
Photo action one of the Bingen “marriage disease” for democracy

The Technical University in Bingen will shed the photo campaign for a fifth for democracy. More than 150 people have been photographed for the poster campaign.

The day in RLP

SWR1 Rhineland-Palatinate