
Why the family reunion became a disaster

Why the family reunion became a disaster

USS family vacation on Bali War nice, but also demanded a lot from us. - Copyright: with the kind permission of Melissa Noble
USS family vacation on Bali War nice, but also demanded a lot from us. – Copyright: with the kind permission of Melissa Noble

The idea of ​​a cppation of a family vacation in the ash war in theory beautiful, but in reality a nightmare, and once I have the time, I would like

The nightmare from family vacation began in 2022, when Mine decided to play on Christmas on Bali Vacation Zuma.

Usually we meet and every two years One of the gold coasts in Queensland, Australia, Where I grew up, Aberstiesine times we wanted it to with somewhere else.

My family and I had been to Bali before and knew that it was unbound, but we had no idea how different experience with 18 people would be.

Die Booking of Lower Künten wars a complete fiasco and should have a warning signal.

Some wanted accommodation in the resort consolation and all the trims, swim-up bars and other western clutches. Others in the group liked the idea of ​​an authentic, preservative accommodation with Balinese flair.

It daute Sens month and a lot of bickering in the Nieher family-whatsapp group until we could agree on a compromise: We would live in Bali in three vertical hotels without a sererer. It is ideal to pull from, but everyone had the feeling that their needs

    - Copyright: with the kind permission of Melissa Noble
– Copyright: with the kind permission of Melissa Noble

Everyone was excited when the big day came and we all on his Denpasar International Airport Landländer. The youngest family member, inexperienced daughter, war 4 months old. The oldest member, my father, war 78.

However, excitement quickly evaporated on the first holiday destination. Some family members wanted to have a shine vacation, excessive others, without return At the cost of foodProtested drinks and entertainment.

The meals were annoying. Family members, more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -more -for its luxury hotels and first -class intake as possible, and restaurants and restaurants and restaurants and restaurants and restaurants and restaurants and restaurants and restaurants And restaurants and restaurants and restaurants and restaurants and restaurants that recognized.

Diemenigen, who only hit a small household for backfilling, preferred to eat in a warning, a small traditional Balinese restaurant, which is usually a bit out of simple plastic tables and tables and günnstoppel.