
Domestic pist, foreign money – Swiss mountains for sale – how investors change ski resorts – at home

Domestic pist, foreign money – Swiss mountains for sale – how investors change ski resorts – at home

The Andermatt Schnun and Crans-Montana ski areas belong to a US investor. But there are also Swiss mountain areas that consciously anchoring local anchoring.

“We don’t know such places in America,” enthuses Texas tourists in Andermatt. Here they make four days of ski holidays. This is more cheaper, including flight, than if she went to Colorado, where a daily pass costs around $ 250.

Such short breaks are after the DemoMack of the US company Vail Resort. The world’s largest operator of ski areas brings the mountain railways Andermatt-Sudrun and Crans-Montana.

Ski passages – pass globally

Vail Resort operates a total of 42 ski areas in North America, Australia and Switzerland. For $ 1,000 a year, Mann solves the card for slopes -this resorts. Epic Pass is the concept, which is enjoyed by about 2.5 milen censuses.

Swiss mountains for sale

Box open

More and more Swiss ski areas are becoming the focus of international investors. But there are other approaches. Mann Zumbiel sees on Lenzerheide how a ski area can be operated by large investors. The documental film “Swiss mountains for sale – how investors change ski resorts” Play SRF.

CEO Mike Goar Weiss: “In Central Europe there are around 190 milles ski area books per season.” And where profits attract, the US group is happy to invest:

  • The purchase of his two Swiss ski resorts Hut Vail Resorts quickly cost 270 Mileen Franzen.
  • Another 180 milles are to flow in their modernization and expansion.

Existential for entire regions

Thomas Egger, quasi the chief lobbyist of the Swiss ski area, shakes the coffin: “How can it be that Switzerland is ales de richest countries in the world on the world?”

Egger knows about the central role of the mountain railways for Swiss tourism:

  • Ariteber of 21,000 employees
  • Annual turnover of CHF 1.6 billion

«There are mountain railways whose importance is existential. Her envy would be the death of a genetic region, »says Egger.

It also works one abroad

Instead of foreign investors, Lenzerheide Bergbahnen AG rely on a total of 3,400 shareholders. And quickly half of all securities belong to the Gemeinne.

Pounded in Lenzerheide Hut Vail Resorts with purchase interest – but unsuccessful. Thomas Küng, CEO of the mountain railways, clarifies: “We want to remain independent.” Credo: to be financier yourself and yet a return yield Haven. Küng: “With 40 Milen sales and too.”

From the Taren on understanding

Such Pilt San Bernardino too. After 12 years of shutdown, the Leutzt year ski area was reopened – with two -platter renovated hotels. There are also numerous apartments.

The media spokes says: “We will copy Nick Andermatt and especially want to say families.” Weartable for the village beige is a bit off.

Rapidly quick changes

Regardless of the other-country, the mountain regions of rapidly quickly become a few. The Zacht Andermatt, where a completely new village center was created. The Egyptian donor Samih Saken Saken Kameens for refur me: “For me, this is a dream for me.”