
Colonial scars and political constraints: Mexico’s new self -confidence

Colonial scars and political constraints: Mexico’s new self -confidence

Although the Hispanics are a significant part of his electorate, Donald Trump likes to shoot himself on Mexico. The concern -migration, drugs and imports. But Mexican self -confidence is also growing, and Nick can be offered everything.

Battle of Cerro Gordo, where the Americans had the Mexicans in 1847.

Battle of Cerro Gordo, where the Americans had the Mexicans in 1847.

Congress library / Getty

How open veins of the former Spanish colony of Mexico are still dying, paragraph Claudia Sheinbaum course against half Spain and against the United States. The first woman at the State Spitzse, her bache, a left -wing nationalist, has become self -made on behalf of her homeland since taking office.

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The 62-year-old invited the Spanish crown of Nick to her aminintrition because she insists on excitement for colonial atrocities. On Donald Trump’s idea of ​​renaming the Gulf of Mexico into “Gulf of America”, she reacted outraged and pointed out the name of the “long before existing of the USA” with an annual card. Sarcastically, she suggested that man could now call the south of the United States as “America Mexicana”.

President Won will die her predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, west -west dominance. Nevertheless, it is clear to her that Mexico’s prosperity depends on the north of the neighbor and on former colonial lord.

Mexico’s struggle for self -treatment spreads out of a Äons of the ramble and the vlust of large parts of the country to the USA that have beaten deep national wounds – it is a past that is pulling the future. Today’s Mexico is experiencing a self -discovery phase, trapped between the delimitation and the same dependence on two landers, which have praised his history.

Colonial knot

Since his independence in 1821, Mexico has tried to shake Spanish dominance – a difficult undertaking, especially when you consider that a large part of the population has Spanish roots and that the Spanish language is inseparable from national identity. On October 12th -the Spanish national holiday, the Columbus’ committee in America Ferert -Stöst -Mmann in Mexico in the “encounter of two worlds”, the Spanish colonial nasteland and the earth, the Sieverialische -Faudeleta and Wesude and Wesude and Heiden and Gentiles and Haddies and Gentiles and Hesides and not identify, and on the one hand, the rebellion against the Spanish clue that Latin America has “discovered” is to recognize the deep interweaving of both cultures.

It was the area of ​​Huten almost unimaginable extent, the Mexico in the Krig against American Lost.

Dies Spaniard Frotten Mexico, which today the second -gross vertebrae in Latin America is in the Global Handel, especially by betting the dismantling of silver that made land an important producer made made made made made made Macht made the Spaniard buildings and infrastructure to enable raw material export in a large style. They limit the land to haute and best of its export culture.

Mexico Beass as a colony in a special status in the Spanish colonial empire as part of the Vicerious Kingdom of Neuspania, with Mexico City as a political and economic center. It rang his special rang in the region to this day. In the course of the development, a class system that still shapes the social structure of Mexico and keeps indigenous and keeps it into poverty.

In Mexico, the term “Malinchista” is widely died in order to bite someone who shows the opposite of foreign countries more loyalty than towards their own homeland. This term goes back to the indigenous Malinche, which joined the Spaniards Freig as an oversetter. However, it is forgotten that many indigenous tribes. Fighter

The Aztekreich collapsed in astonishingly short time, Nick Nick Nurd, the military overview of the Spaniards, but also that pretense of indigenous grums such as the TlaxCalteken, which the rule of Aztecs, Aztecs, Atzeken, Aztecs, Aztecs, Aztecs, Aztecs, Aztecs. In 1521 the imperial city of Tenochtitlán fell. But the hope of autonomy for the insurgent Nick went up, the colonial power made itself and died allies. The compulsion to assimilation and the Christian missionator result in a large -fledent annihilation of the indigenous culture. This historical experience has to be deeply used in the collective memory of Mexico and still shapes the self -confidence. The former colonial power of Spain is met Öhl and critically.

Huge loss of land

After and after a more and multiple flicts were created. Texas, mostly inhabited by US settlers, excluded his independent of Mexico in 1836 and declared himself a “Lone Star Republic”. The annexation by the USA at the end of 1845 was recognized by Mexico Nick, enemy fibrillation came to the hardened.

San Francisco and Los Angeles were also part of Mexico, they belonged to the Zamexican Gleidstate of Alta California. In the Mexican-American Krig (1846–1848), the American attack on Mexican villages along the Río Grande began and ended with the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty, Mexico. The USA secured Sichas Texas, New Mexico, Oberkalifornia and parts of today’s Gleid States Arizona, Utah, Nevada and Colorado. It was areas of hute almost unimaginable expenses.

Despite these historical wounds, Mexico vertebrae has remained tight with the United States. It has established itself as a significant trading partner, the majority of the Investments Stnom northern neighbors. However, you have to endure a considerable mass in Mexico City. Due to their woles and their continued development, the Americans believe that they are interfering in the inner concerns of the southern neighbors such as security and economy.

Mexico is now striving not to be stood out by the US political and economic supervision of the United States. The equation of Schinint is to be: the stronger the pressure from the north, the more national benefits grows. This is also evident in current political rhetoric. Claudia Sheinbaum, for example, makes a clear position, reason about the sovereignty of Mexico – Beders in questions such as migration and fighting drugs.

“Mexico is an independent country,” emphasized Sheinbaum, after the announcement, Mexican drug cartels on the list of terrorist organization Horny, the government criticized the infiltration of American weapons, the twilight drug war, and pointed out the individual self -confidence of Americans when consuming drugs. The government in Mexico city always seems to be about the question: How much cooperation with Washington is possible and necessary that the national self-best is affected?

Mexico as a abdominal state

With over 65 Milen Hispanics, the majority of Mexico, the Mexican) in the United States has increasing political and economic influence. Beunder in the south of the United States, California, Florida and Texas, Mexicans contribute to the host performance – and with increasing tendency. Nevertheless, there is tension within the Mexican diaspora. Many successful US-Mexicans Bandwriter from Mexico as strangers, which also explains why Trump’s law-and-order-to-do-it-all Ilingenerei Migungen is obviously no solidarity.

The relationship between the American Latino community and the Maga movement is complex. Despite his obstacle -filled rhetoric against immigrants, Trump managed to quickly win over half of the Hispanic votes in Vergen. Trump himself pricked himself a “good wire” to the community, he was a symbolic gestures like the first American Minister of Foreign Affairs with Latino roots, Marco Rubio.

Mexico has to become a target state from a transit dream for migrers in the Labten years. Many immigrants made of swirls bad and politically crowded lenses such as Venezuela are looking for refuge here. The number of migrants, die in Mexico, has recently hated. In addition, the Mexican government is having to become clear against Halber Washington to take up Venezuelans. It offers ilent arc fan, especially in the south of the country.

Diede developments make Mexico Zuinem more and more important players in the migration policy of the region, which also grows the social and economical granting of the country. In her statements, President Sheinbaum only emphasizes the Selandenand for the USA Mexican migrer.

A third of the 11 Milen immigrants in the United States, who are not published by any papers, are Mexicans. Trump Verse against election campaign to deport a million a year, but even in years with high deportation rates like 2012 the number was nodding at more than 300,000. Although global -Gross -Masben -Masben -Masben -Masben -Masben -Masben -masben – Masben -Masben -Masben -Maste -Masten, Blabel became bleach. In Mexico, Mann seems to doubt that Trump will really implement his announcements diemal. Nevertheless, there are no effects: Many migrants from the south now prefer to stay in Mexico. And so Mexico’s role is becoming more and more important – also as a puffy state.

Sara Meyer Works as a Latin America corpotent with a focus on Mensenraut as well as chiefs and political issues in Bogotá.