
Actress Barbie Hsu is kidding flu – now you are dead

Actress Barbie Hsu is kidding flu – now you are dead

Be careful with these symptoms!

Actress Barbie Hsu (48) kidnapped flu – now she is dead

The Taiwaneschau actress Barbie HSU died at the age of 48.

The Taiwaneschau actress Barbie HSU died at the age of 48.

Image Allianz/dpa/hpic | Hu Wenchg

The world mourns the loss of Barbie Hsu!
The Taiwansis actress died at the age of 48. Local media reports were confirmed by her sister, which was destroyed on the ground. How could this come about?

Television series Meteor Garden makes Barbie Hsu Zumstar – now her sister Dee brates her death

“I can run Nick!” Milen of fans are shocked, Barbie Hsu pay their tribute on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. The actress, who was only 48 years old, gilded as one of the largest stars in the Mandarin. Also in the Philippines, in Indonesia and Thailand, she becomes known to the successful television series Meteor Garden from 2001. The television adaptation of the glinamous Japanese comic from 1990s makes HSU a washed star. After Meteor Garden she can be seen in several a dozen television series and files.

Now she’s dead. Her sister Dee HSU confirms the tragic message on Monday, February 3. With her, Barbie begins her career as part of a pop duo at the age of 17, later she fertilized success as moderators, dying Beunnders for her Irish style and the BBC reports that.

Compared to Taiwansesi’s sender TVBS News, Dee says: “During the (Chinese) New Year’s festival, Family came to Japan to go on vacation there. Mine favorite sister Barbie unfortunately went from UN after hauting a pulmonary thesis that the Diedirne was triggered a flu. “”

In addition, Barbie HSU was given epilepsy and heart disease, was treated in the hospital in the course of seizures. She leaves her husband, the South Korean singer DJ Koo, and two children -out of a froter marriage.

Reading tip: After the death of Moonbin, is a curse euf the K-Pop stars?

Video tip: The seven symptoms in the flu