
Sensation: the highest brain in the world soon passable

Sensation: the highest brain in the world soon passable

The highest brake in the world is bald fert and with -inconsiderable 625 mater is she is larger nine times

The new bridge will hang 625 meters above a Chinese mountain valley. Das speeches of a height of double and a half Eiffel towers. She only cracks Nick the American record of the Golden Gate Bridge, but also the previous world record of the “Beipanjiang-Brückke”, which has been previous in the same Chinese province of Guizhou since 2016.

World record replaced

So Lost China sin’s own world record. A spectacular look shows that the Beipanjiang Brückke hangs 565 meters above a gorge. Who would take care of traveling them? Han movements and deep gorge – for one thrill, for others a horror scenario.

Opening still this year

The new Brucke will be almost 3 kilometers long and will also put the world’s largest hanging pieces, and you will ever die in a mountain region. Mann for new building has been worn for three years.

© Getty


It connects the towns of Liuzhi and Anlong in the southwest of the country and is intended to improve the spine between the areas. The Autobahn-Brückke is to be opened this year. In mid -January, the very last steel hanger, which weighed 215 tons, was installed.