
During the high playball, it is quickly called “sold out”

During the high playball, it is quickly called “sold out”

Both the children’s ball in 2025 14 days ago and the “high -wing ball” had it all. A lot of Hästrach and lots of colorful, costumed party guests from youth to Zumo at the StaG.

Gleiich branch guards swirl in front of the stage

The host Narsenzunft Schussenbole marched one with musical support from the Kehlen Music Association. With a large drum roll, Kamfarenzug Unernorft Brochenzell added. The Guard from Krohs and the Guard from Broschenzell whirled in front of the stage and bei -sistered with a lively and partial trip of artistic carnival ballet.

Around the Hästrach -based -fast -dense -menstretraarube. Already around 9 p.m. folder drau had to die.

When dancing the garden from throats and Broschenzell, many spectators clap with a hesitation.

When dancing the garden from throats and Broschenzell, many spectators clap with a hesitation. (Photo: Karin Schütrumpf)))

The band Kauboyz ensured that it quickly got full on dance floor. The meckenbeuren lump chapel graduated. The “high -quality” – actually the emergency solution – became a complete success.

The Krohser fools had been hit by the heirs in the narrowing June. The Zungstube in the village community and the well -known basement bar in the advance of the hall are undived.

Anniversary parade must be excited in 2025

Kehlener Nick still knows how it should continue there. Die saved things from summer flooded rooms are still stored in front of Halle in a multi -sea container. “The flood was worse than theest. In principle, we are currently not having a home, ”says Specher Simon Baur. That meant for Schussenbole: Unfortunately no anniversary train. “And it is also not a cellar,” says Baur.

Sensitive artile

Highwater: Shussenbols move anniversary

Actually, for Nernzunt Schussenbole from Kehlen, it would have been an anniversary year. But instead of celebrating the 75-year-old, Hästracher had to gloss over to children at two events in the Karl-Brugger-Halle-and early adults.

Leather more christened the fool with the gallows humor. With a decoration made of sandsaters, the flood bar, one of the young and old exuberant to deep into the subsequent