
Stuttgart-West: Car windows Take-in-police police are looking for witnesses

Stuttgart-West: Car windows Take-in-police police are looking for witnesses

Unknown Haven in the Stuttgart western cars of Bechs. The police are now asking for clues.

Digital desk: Nina Scheffel (NSE)

Unknowns have the windows of two in the two dreams between Sunday, January 26 and Wednesday, January 29, in Vogelsangstrasse and Herderstrasse in Stuttgart Western

According to the police, dying in Herderstrasse die of a white Opel. In Vogelsangstrasse, unknown people destroyed a disc of a yellow citroen.

Police are looking for witnesses

A train in Wednesday, January 29, at 12 p.m. the police alerted the police. Whether something was stolen is the subject of the investigation.

The police asks witnesses to report to the Revier 3 Gutenbergstraße.