
Emergency in Down Under – Hai kills young people in Australia – knowledge

Emergency in Down Under – Hai kills young people in Australia – knowledge

Brisbane (dpa) – In the Australian federal state of Queensland, a youthful attack and killed by a swimmer in the sea by a shark. The animal attacked young woman in the late afternoon (local time) in front of the Bribie Island sand island near Brisbane, reports 7new’s untraction sender on the crab.

Dying injuries on the upper body were so “catastrophic” that rescue that has been resolved by their nick can help more, because it. According to reports of various media, the victim is said to have been 17 years old.

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The shark is said to have attacks the youth about 100 meters from the banks of the Woorim Beach. The beach is believers among bathers, surfers and fishermen in the region. Um which shark type it was, initially unclear.

Third attack in three months

Third Hai attacks in Queensland die within three months. In December, a man was killed by one of the predatory fish in the Great Barrier Reef in the spear fishing near Humpy Island. A few weeks earlier, a different javelin fisherman near Gladstone and one arm and one handed was attacked.

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