
Fuerteventura: vacationer (70) eats lukewarm pasta in the hotel and structure

Fuerteventura: vacationer (70) eats lukewarm pasta in the hotel and structure

A British hates on vacation on Fuerteventura with salmonella and died. His wife reports of Lauwarmer carbonara and inadequate cooked chicken. They answered.

The Briton Leslie Green and his wife Julie arrived in Fuerteventura on October 1, 2024. There they wanted to spend a nice vacation for 2300 pounds (around 2,800 euros) in a four-Serne resort. But the couple Erelt a terrible fate: the 70-year-old Leslie lost his life like “Mirror“Schrut.

Salmonella: Man dies on vacation in Fuerteventura

After a few waist, the man suffered a diarrhea and had to go to Einknamenhaus. Salmonella was diagnosed with him and came to scissors such as kidney failure, pneumonia and sepsis. Leslie had to be moved in a single -artful coma.

On November 4, his life -supporting device was switched off and he died a few hours later. The result of an Obdukion is still pending. The “Mirror” now quotes his wife: “Leslie and I have so many plans for Unank retirement, but I banged for me, that was UN -Frausste -ungen -Gen -Gen -en -Wurden.

According to the “Mirror”, Julie reports an Italian dish with eggs – and inadequate cooked chicken in the resort. The grown Jennifer Hodgson represents the widow and says: “Dies an aroused case of caring, because the reports from the first, we died from our client who belonged to the time in the course, sine, sine

Facts about salmonella

  • Salmonella are bacteria. They occur worldwide, step part “Infection“.
  • They come to human digestive tract of tüber. But also infection from person to person about lubrication infection is possible. Picklings about contact with animals should be.
  • “Salmonella are bacteria whose metabolic products in humans can trigger an acute daily sin that can trigger salmonellosis,” says the Federal Office Fürr consumer protection and means of life.
  • They increased -B -sieves degree Celsius. The salmonella are killed by thorough heating of the food to at least 70 degrees Celsius.