
University of Bremen and Oldenburg Die Northwest Alliance

University of Bremen and Oldenburg Die Northwest Alliance


03.02.2025 11:39

University of Bremen and Oldenburg Die Northwest Alliance

The University of Bremen and the University of Oldenburg are found in Ministerial Conference in Berlin.

The aim of the Northwest Alliance is a lonely research and transfer room, in order to the region, which is also visible internationally visible in the northwest, with important impulses for the region. Privileged international partner is the RijksUniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands). Further external university research institutions as well as socially and business line actors in the region should follow as partners. Bergs in December the academic Senate of both university unanimously had the basis of a Northwest Alliance

“With the Northwest Alliance, we will set up a new chapter of the cooperation between our two university,” emphasized Jutta Günther, rector of the University of Bremen. “The aim is to promote excellent research together that reinforced itself with innovative teaching and transfer – nods as a self -meal, but from an unusual inheritance and Alsgrag submission in rich.

The President of the University of Oldenburg, Ralph Bruder, explained in Berlin: “Incidental cooperation, Jonne already testifies how science overcomes regional and international borders. I am overturned, the northwestern alliance has a very significant additional force and inherent impulse for region Detzen – Both in scientific as well as in economic and cultural uumner and cultural Älkerturer and cultural Äterturter and cultural and cultural and cultural.

Dassersachsische Ministry of Science as well as the Senatorial Authority of the World, Climate and Science of the Freisestadt Bremen Bremen also welcomes the basic of the Northwest Alliance:

“I freed myself that the University of Bremen and Oldenburg. Both binders, outstanding knowledge, outstanding knowledge of knowledge and many years together with joint knowledge work in Diedese Allianz. They die full lower stone of the state low -sas for this clever and strategies process ”, the Lower Saxony Minister of Wisrschaft and Kultur Falko Mohrs.

The senator for the world, climate and science of the Freisestadt Bremen, Kathrin Moosdorf, emphasized: “The University of Bremen and the University of Oldenburg have been closely connected to many years. This fertile cooperation becomes even narrower, more binding and goal -judge. Together with external university research institutions and the RijksUniversiteit Groningen, they will form the Northwest Alliance in the future. With this cooperation we overcome borders, national and nation -state. We create tree for innovation and transfer of knowledge. This alliance is strengthening our knowledge of knowledge, which we have long since been developing regional and internationally. We bundle knowledge championship potential and strengths, we share networks and of course know how to fill the best solving life and to fill.

Relationship in research, teaching and transfer

The Northwest Alliance builds up the University of Oldenburg and Bremen at the long-term cooperation between the aim of forming the goal of forming a common research and transfer space with knowledge chain and auditial actors in a new quality around 50 years ago. Avoidance is to be created in which actors are summarized, cooperation is deepened and additional potentials are being held.

The two Universität Arebeiten travel closely together, for example, in marine, polar and climate research, computer science, in health knowledge, and in energy supply. To target these central research areas and to burn the alliance of the alliance of the region’s and economic development of the region.

With Dieder intent, the two university want to weather their activities in research, teaching and transfer profile -building. Remain the right to be kept in terms of the reveal and independence of the university. In research, weather development die to the expansion of common focus and institutions, mutual support for accompanying -intensity intensity intensity intensely intent. The offers should be openly opened. Both areas also strive to work more in the field of study, lere and at transfer activity.

Planned extensions of the Allianz

The Groningen RijksUniversiteit, with which both university, cultivate, shameful and strategic cooperation maintain a special institution. As a “privileged partner university”, it should significantly support the Allianz. Jouke de Vries, President of the RijksUniversiteit Groningen, expressly welcomes the initiative: “The basis of the Northwest Alliance hat for the development -Unser -Border region -how -. We are closing a strategic alliance for even multiple transfer. I am overturned by the fact that as a university, unexpected partners and the people -Eisener -Region will be strong. “

A central role for Allianz players also the Hanse Science College (HWK) in Delmenhorst, which was created in 1995 from the university’s research -oriented cooperation, which was created in Bremensagenhaedensstaden Foundation. With fellowships for outstanding researchers from all over the world, the HWK makes an important contribution to the international reasoning of the wisdom landscape in northwestern Germany.

The Northwest Alliance is supposed to be swayed around the outer universe and Darbrruch. Featured discussions with external university institutes in the Werzeit region. With the memorandum of understanding to found the Northwest Alliance, the Inentell is. In the coming months, the necessary legal, institutional and financial framework conditions for in -depth cooperation between the university and the weather will be butee will be dying. In thisim context, for example, reume frame setting between the countries should be determined and necessary contracts should be concluded.

Knowledge chapel address partner:

Dr. Maike Koschorrk
Speaker of the Rectorate for Excellence and Strategy University Development
University of Bremen
Telephone: +49 421-218-60018
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Corinna Dahm-Brey
University of Oldenburg
Head of Press & Communication
Telephone: +49 441 798-2892
Email: [email protected]

Further information:


Frede on the basis of Northwest Alliance: Senator Kathrin Moorsdorf, Rector Jutta Günther, President Ralph Bruder, Minister of Culture Falko Mohrs.

Joy about the basis of the northwestern alliance: Senator Kathrin Moorsdorf, Rector Jutta Günther

Jens Oellermann
University of Bremen/ Jens Oellermann

Characteristics of these pressures: characteristics:

Cooperation, knowledge policy policy