
Public toilet Spark’s war war in one of the richest suburbs of Sydneys

Public toilet Spark’s war war in one of the richest suburbs of Sydneys

Interrogated locals have criticized a new public toilet in Sydney’s wealthy eastern suburbs, some of which suggest that the “shame” in the west of the city would be more suitable.

The new toilet block in the Oxford Street in Paddington was installed last week to solve the issue of sports fans that urinated in the atributs of the wealthy houses of the suburb after participating in events in the nearby Allianz Stadium.

However, some residents are unimpressed by its slim, modern design and complain that it collapses with the legacy of the region.

Some even argued that it would have been more appropriate for a suburb of how Blackown had triggered the residents of West Sydney.

“You can use it in Blacktown or something, but not in Paddington,” said a local nine.

“It’s just a eyesore. If you want to design something for Paddington, you would certainly design something more sensitive. ‘

The living and federal MP Chris Bowen in Blacktown convicted the comments.

“Blacktown is not a derogatory term … Sydney is a city. We don’t need to run the million people who live in West Sydney. ‘

Public toilet Spark’s war war in one of the richest suburbs of Sydneys

A futuristic toilet block with curved edges and stainless steel walls has angered the locals

Some locals were concerned about it, the local parking lot one

Others said that despite its placement next to a Telstra building, the block did not agree to the legacy of the region

Some locals were concerned that the “shame” was taken in a local parking lot in the Oxford St. rooms

The design of the toilet is not the only point of frustration, and many residents annoyed that it has taken two valuable parking spaces.

‘This (mayor) Clover Moore has to go. You take the parking spaces, add cycle paths and let these electric bikes drive, which you almost kill on the footpath. Everything is ridiculous, ”said a resident.

Others commented concerns that the new toilet could attract drug users.

Critics said Daily Mail Australia that those who need a toilet could simply use the nearby Paddo Inn, but the bartender of the establishment, Brodie, welcomed the arrival of a new facility.

‘We needed one; It saves people from whining all the time: “Hey, can I use your bathroom?” – It’s a good thing. ‘

Despite the opposition, the municipal council defended the installation and declared that it was a reaction to community inquiries.

“The selected location was strategically well placed and facilitated for pedestrians, cyclists and people with disabilities,” said a spokeswoman.

“We always compensate for the need for these facilities against concerns in the community.”

The toilet with a natural technology and an automatic door, which is opened again after 15 minutes to prevent anti -social behavior, needed over a decade because the municipality rejected an earlier application for development.

In the development registration, the parking spaces are restored after the construction work has been completed.