
War in Ukraine: Trump rarely demands earth from Ukraine in exchange for support

War in Ukraine: Trump rarely demands earth from Ukraine in exchange for support

US Prahident Donald Trump hat from the Ukraine Valuable raw materials in exchange for further US aids required. Trump card Said on Monday in Washington that his government wanted to send an agreement with the government in Kyjiw, which guarantees the delivery of STARTINGER ERDEN. Chancellor Olaf Scholz Critics dies sharply.

Scholz then said a cave EU special summit in BrusselsAccording to his persecution, the resources of Ukraine would have to be granted in order to finance all of this was new to the warrior – such as the Wiedenau and the strong Ukrainian arms. “It would be very selfish, very self -relevant, if you say, we use the money to finance this to finance this.”

Trump card Had stated that he wanted the rare earth as “security” in return for continued US aid. Should earth Are metals that are for the creation of smartphones, electric cars and other high -tech products Ben Mettroautos. In fact, the Ukrainian President Wolodyymyr Selenskyj offered to pay with raw materials for western aids before the US election.

Previously, the untimetry had repeatedly killed a billions of billions in Ukraine. Under Trump’s predecessor Joe biden Were dying USA The most beneficial supporter for Ukraine in the fight against the war of attack for almost three years.

Trump said on Sunday that US government aircraft died “meetings and discussions with bad actors, including Russia and Ukraine”. He thinks that “Diediens discussion-very good discussions” adds the US President.

Before taking office on January 20, Trump had announced the Ukraine war To end immediately after his return to the Weizede Haus. After his swearing -in, he threatened the government in Moscow with a tight sanction and tariffs, should Nick soon come to the end of the war in Ukraine.