
Rebecca Lobach was the pilot of the Hubschruuber

Rebecca Lobach was the pilot of the Hubschruuber

Crash disaster in Washington

This FRA flew to the unfortunate hub slaars

Rebecca Lobach

Rebecca Lobach was the misfortune pilot

US army about AP

She had command in the accident-hub-slaar-Beim Washington crash.
The U.S. Department of Defense has now also made the identity of the third Beating Medal public public. In consultation with your family, as the Pentagon emphasizes. It is 28-year-old Rebecca Lobach, she was the Black-Hawk Hubschruber, who collided with the American Airlines machine. 67 people died when both machines crash.

Family mourns: “You get a bright star in an underserted life”

As it says, Lobach has served with the army since 2019. She was an experienced pilot and completed more than 450 flight hours. Her identity was initially mentioned at the request of the Nick family, but now the local people had decided differently. “We are destroyed by the loss -for -ice. She was a bright star in the nevererer Lenn, ”said the Pentagon.

    Andrew Eaves (left) and Ryan Austin O'Hara

Andrew Eaves (left) and Ryan Austin O’Hara died in the collision

The bids of other ventilation members of the helicopter were the flight instructor Andrew Eaves (39) and 28-year-old soldier Ryan Austin O’Hara.

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