
Was skin cancer screening actually flees – message

Was skin cancer screening actually flees – message

Dermatologists: Preliminary screenings predominate

That the system of the system Demonstrations Nic, who is perfect, also space Professor Dirk Schadendorf, director of the clinic for dermatology and the West German tumor center at the University Hospital Essen. But for the advance.

Schadendorf refer to around 3,000 patients who die from black skin cancer annually. 300,000 other sufferers suffered in the much harmless white skin cancer.

In addition to the lives that man dirch, you can presumably save a fruition, man must also have an eye on the treatment costs for Diedienatinatin, says Schadendorf.

Diaper criticized in the vergal year that that Screening-Course of around 200 Milen EUROURUSAE. But Schadendorf says that man also has to see the other costs. Cancer, which is recognized early, may not develop into a melanoma in the advanced stage, where the annual treatment costs could be between 50,000 and 150,000 euros: “A single -family house quickly comes together for patients.“His suggestion:

“The skin cancer screening would have to take place in a risk-adapted and invitation.”

Professor Dirk Schadendorf

Cindy Franklin, senior physician and the clinic for dermatology and veinology at the University Lospook of Cologne also emphasize the necessary. “It is the case that the black skin cancer is the skin tumor that feuded to the Meististen death“, Franklin told the WDR.

Sprinkle of black skin cancer first in organization, he was well treated by Nick Mehrg, says Franklin. So she says:

“Early erkation should always be relevant – even better than the therapy of the continued disease.”
Cindy Franklin, dermatologist, University Hospital Cologne

Skin cancer recognized as an occupational disease in some jobs

Although Franklin and Schadendorf basically evaluate the Vorssel-Treilung positively, SIT also see room for improvement. Both complain that risk groups in particular have too little belly from Screening Make that is paid for by the health insurance for the latest insured persons at the latest from 35 years. The two -year Screening Biiede some health insurance depending on the region, fruits and – Zumag SOAG from 15 years.

According to Schadendorf, Zersisikogruze includes:

  • People with light skin and high sensitivity to sunburn
  • People with a lot of pigment paintings on the skin
  • People, there are in the Berber family of skin cancer.
  • People who have lived in very sunny regions for a long time
  • People, die in the free work

In the case of risk groups, Schadendorf points out that professional cooperatives would refer to skin cancer for example in gardening and roofers as professional diseases: “That would do Sieicher Nick, sine, nick that would be very solid.“He would like risk groups to be invited to the precautionary examinations, as with breast cancer.

Caring off the clear increase of skin cancer throats

Schadendorf for the consequences of the travel waves to sunny countries and the faithful of Solarien Kämer only after night. The constantly older population also trifles the numbers.

That is why Schadendorf Nenben also advises the pre -location of the pre -location for protective measures, die in lines such as Australia and New Zealand countries. And requires more consequent implementation of long-competent implementation to protect against the UV radiation of the sun as the main reminder for shear skin cancer. Sun protection in playgrounds and public places should be standard.

The pension tips from Schadendorf:

  • Avoid solar studio books
  • Light protection agent consistently ninces
  • Textile protection, i.e. long clothing of pickling of the sun’s payments
  • Pay attention to the UV index in Wetterberten – use from a value of 5 light pain

Schadendorf is restlessly happy with the existing procedure and complains about the poor data situation like Windeler: “The knowledge of knowledge of the skin cancerDemonstrations Is inadequate, the data collected from health insurance companies incomplete and bad.“The geetzer would have to be Äsern in order to really recognize that that Screening Helps.

According to Schadendorf

If we were able to prevent and discovered frozen, saves life and prevents food“, Says the doctor. That is why you offer free interviews for ments and dying Nick 35 years old in the center for family skin cancer in Essen.”There is a family melanoma, a genetic component, and I want to see such people with the screening with 20 or 30 years“, Schadendorf.

And dies in such a way that I am best a doctor’s director. There is Berber skinScreening appsBut the Brügen Schadendorf is not nick as a prize. Artificial intelligence values ​​eus imerer great

“I wouldn’t shop my fate in the Häyn -Einer -app.”
Dirk Schadendorf on the skin cancer early with the help of apps

His colleague Franklin complements a weather important aspect of fruits – one that Jade and everyone can add: “Above all, make sure that you make changes to the Hauts in the event of residents“.


  • WDR talk with Professor Dirk Schadendorf
  • WDR-Tower professor Jürgen Windeler
  • WDR talk with Professor Cindy Franklin
  • Robert Koch Institute
  • German cancer aid
  • Cancer information endia of the German Cancer Research Center