
Forgotten monument: researcher pyramid of the Caral culture free

Forgotten monument: researcher pyramid of the Caral culture free

Ancient ruins in dry land shaft

Symbol image: Talm at the excavation site in Caral

(Image: Beto Santillan/

Archaeologists discover near Caral single -out pyramid. The construction could be new knowledge about this city structure of the oldest high culture of America.

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture Hats in the Archaeological site Chupacigarro Eune Freely. Die the ministry on Thursday in one Press brim known .


Part of the Caral culture

Chupacigarro is located in the Lima region, about one kilometer west of the Heiligenstadt Caral. The site is part of an urban complex of Caral civilization, which is considered the oldest high culture of America and between 3000 and 1800 BC. Chr. Developed.

The pyramid was discovered in the so-called “sector f” by Chupacigarro, where it was overgrown by unroperted and dried Huarango trees. After removal of the vegetation, stone walls appeared, which form at least three platforms on top of each other.

Beders conspicuously a central staircase for apparently to the top of the pyramid.

“Research A newly discovered tree will help the team led by Ruth Shady to understand the complete urban floor plan of the Chupacigarro,” said the Ministry of Culture. The archaeologist shadowy gilded as discovered Carals.

Chupacigarro is located in a small sledge that served as a natural communication path to the coast. The Sidling wars part of a larger

Eckel over the hilltops of the swallows twelve structures that are interpreted as public or ceremonial. The mainbüs pasture has a circular courtyard typical of the Caral culture.

Private or religious fungion

The researchers assume that Chupacigarro will get a kind of outpost of Carals with private barren religious function due to its strategies near the coast and the river valley. The residents had to go to marine products, river forests, sources, stone bums and ads.

One of the most important finds in Chupacigarro is a 62 times 30-meter throw geoglyphe in the form of a head in northern Peruan Tehín style. The floor image made of angle stones can only be seen from a best point in the settlement.

The latest discovery should be included in the tourist development of the archaeological complex. “These findings will contribute to the preservation and recovery of the site and enable them to open them together with Caral for Beusucher,” emphasizes the Ministry of Culture.