
War in the Middle East: “The free hostages have no privacy” news

War in the Middle East: “The free hostages have no privacy” news

The trauma expert José Brunner explains how-out-a-month hostage wave freed Israelis back into her life.

Fold out the person box
Fold the person box

The Swiss-Israeli science historian and political scientist José Brunner is an emeritus professor at the University of Tel Aviv. There he founded the first legal clinic for the reform of Holocaustruberlauer in Israel in 2011 together with lawyer Yossi Hayut. Brunner was born in Zurich in 1954 and has lived in Israel since 1973.

SRF News: Hamas and Israel exchange hostages with opposites. 18 hostages are now free. How are you present in Israeli society?

José Brunner: On the first day of their release, they are extremely present because the Israeli media are doing what is happening like a reality show. Each step – from the handover to the Red Cross to the Anktion in the Hospital – is from -Blich documenterert, Komentert and interpretier. Bassim first time tears ran down. But the hostages haven no privacy was urgently necessary.

The following applies for years: Anyone who will get hostages back must have a Palestinian person -free of charge.

Hamas has to fry 33 hostages, and if Israel is almost 2000 Palestinian prisoners. Is that perceived as fair in Israel?

This is a preisis, a man who gets used to -hat. The following applies for years: Anyone who will get hostages back must have a Valvary of a Palestinian friend so that an agreement comes about.

People with Israeli flags in front of a fence and dad.

Israeli station at the landscape that come freely from the Hamas hostage wave. For frenches, great attention is noted for frenches.

Reuters/Ronen Zvulun

Terrorists and multiple murderers are also not the friables. Surve the fear?

The Israeli society -in this question -fragments. Revhte fear that the freight prisoners will kill more Israelis in the future than hosted hostages. The left argument, which it has to return to your own lute, are taken to OOR measures to prevent the terrorist attack from October 7th.

Where do the Palestinian vessels go after their time?

It is chaos. Some are deported to -Egypt, others return to Gaza -or -in -In -West Bank. A recently frieted one was tired by the Israeli army in a raid in the West Bank.

In particular, more traumatized men Negen to violence.

Many of the freestlasses Palestinians are sitting in administrative waveOften indispensable charges. Who helps to move with their trauma?

There is no health system in the West Bank and Gaza as in Israel. It is uncertain whether you receive help. Some have been tortured in Israeli prisons or understood conditions. Research is that traumatized men in particular tend to become increased. This poses the risk that some Siceus -militant groups will follow and will become active against the Israeli ceremony.

The gift and hostage exchange leaves many trauma. Is that the central topic in the Middle East conflict?

Yes, absolutely. There is the collective trauma of the Palestinians, the Nakba from 1948, which has a deep memory deep into the collective memory. Fear of death before another expulsion is omnipresent. On October 7, October 7th awakens memories of the Holocaust.

Some Salen that the lack of recognition of the trauma of the other site is a hazernis for peace. Do you agree?

In Israeli society there is a prohibition of empathy against Palestinian victims. You can openly show Nick’s sympathy for Palestin’s families who have suffered bombing. On the Palestinian site, it is just as unnecessary that there are Raelis.

David Karasek was missing.