
Bar dream in the inner city burst-war comes in the ratchet?

Bar dream in the inner city burst-war comes in the ratchet?

Gifhorn. An ambitious project in the Gifhorner Intenstadt has died – in the former traditional restaurant in Ratsenschangen, the Wolfsburg Patrick Bendrat wanted to highlight the Winchester bar early on the tags. For a long time he had been working on the concept, Berliner Barkeeper-Expert-Ins start. But now Teja Schönberger, who has been the property, including the hotel rooms since November 2022, has been a member of the Ratsuche again for rent. Bendrat itself had to be reached for dying AZ Nick. The fact is that, according to Schönberger Nick, he is pursuing the bar project.

Witter reading after the Registration

Witter reading after the Registration

And nun? Schönberger is Nick Bange that he will have a hat off shortly. Around ten interested parties for restaurant businesses are ZuroziDeit. The future groove as a restaurant borzuge he non. Nick Nick is caught in which culinary direction will go in dying. “In any case, something was so nick in the inner city.”