
Exotic ski resort with little snow: shared opinions about holiday experience

Exotic ski resort with little snow: shared opinions about holiday experience

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Ski on the African account? It may seem strange, but the operators in Lesotho strive to give their visitors unique pleasure.

Mahlasela – skiing in exotic areas, sometimes it was special. Was there are nicer for ski-end sports fans than exploring new areas, lifts or piste. Of course, for the number of Munich, for example, a ski area in the domestic or Austrian Alps is very good even for daily flights, but they are very very popular.

Exotic ski area -with only a narrow striping snow:

Bergs in the narrow year We reported on the housing tip Swanetia in Georgia, as a skiing holiday destinationThat is more precise in the country that is more to be enjoyed in the country at the beginning of 2025 We showed the risk card for vacationers. For African standards, the Inland Lesotho, which is only surrounded by South Africa, comes away relatively intestinal. And there is also a ski area – Afriedki – which is celebrated by many tourists. “If we do good snow, a lot of lute audafrika or even Germany come. As soon as you overlook the border over the for and Lesotho that you will also leave money, ”said Ernest Mabari The ARD 2019At that time Mabari was responsible for maintaining the slopes.

The absurd thing about the ski area: it is the only white stripe far and wide. Because the barren and feligous land chess bound around the 3000 Mickern High mountains are the idyll at first glance. According to the portal Skiresort.deThe fact that all ski areas classified and represents details are 1.8 kilometers of a pistry, with just two. A day ticket costs 30 euros in the high season. The SkiSis starting in the south of Africa in June, as it is on the cold there.

Exotic ski resort with little snow: shared opinions about holiday experience
The ski slope in Lesotho, the Afri-Ski ski area, in the Maloitbergen in the Butha Buthe district. © Imago/ Scholz

Reviews about Grö

In the ski area there are loud Also a fun park and the opportunity for beginners to issing the skiing with teachers. Après Ski in the bar Gondola Café is also supposed to have a thing, the drinks and menu seems to be relatively international, including the celebration. Wassnachtlungskörförkitzen are also available there. At least it is stated that a visit to the ski area is just something for the sounds that a longer rice -a tour -through -through -week week. To get on a flight for skiing experience in Africa would make the cost-benefit factor nick fairly. The area of ​​artificial snow is always faster. The home villages like Mabari further south have not had a snow for a long time, but in moderate quantities could profit from moisture.

Anyone who stumbles through the burial portals such as Tripadvisor reads the relative-to-material reviews for the mini ski area and the resort as well as the café. On However, the area will only start a test result with 2.3 out of 5 stars. Beder’s little stars got the categories: “Gröche“ Nice resort in a demonstrating horn and landscape. Dying rooms are sometimes very spartan, but very clean. The fruhstück/dinner is very and extensive for the detention center of the hotel, wrote Sebastian from Germany 2020. Some indicate the booking system online, with most of the sam experience surprised.

Discussion about a believer There were excursion location in the shit, Zermatt, due to the hoarding taxi prices. (Ank)