
Technology – Art Projekt: The AI ​​for one lasts – Bavaria

Technology – Art Projekt: The AI ​​for one lasts – Bavaria

Munich (dpa) – Look briefly into the camera and leave your own election decision of the AI ​​(artificial intelligence): The GET – supposedly – in the context of one project in the German Museum in Münnchen. It is about the nuclear question of how much personal free IT-Professor Alexander Peterhänsel, who developed the installation “Smile to Voting”.

We reasonable to intersect the AI ​​to interspersonal life, there is no longer any reason to make political in -minds themselves, says PeterHänsel. “Then we also bride a choice and our idea that wirs could change and develop in individuals would be the case.

His conclusion: “We have to do without it, we are surrounded with these technologies in the future and we.

Which party is typical of my Ichlts trains?

In the installation, the prices enter and visit a rebuilt voting cabin, are scanned per clearance and then get a stock that party the Ki fer a “chosen” cock.

Comfortable – or hungry? Warm the AI ​​for one. (Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa)


Art project should be “painful and shocking”

“The moment when the algorithm sorts you and decides what you are, how you think and how you will behave in the future, and the decision -making power when voting decreases is painful – and should also deliberately be painful and shocking “Emphasizes Peterhänsel.

Dying is in the German Museum until March 7. The website of a fictitious start-ups that can be used to automate the website is also linked to it in the future.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 250204-930-365184/1