
Was vertebral representative for the migration debate Sagens

Was vertebral representative for the migration debate Sagens

“Prosperity in danger”
Was vertebral representative for the migration debate Sagens

Union Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz will die German confusion comfortably.

© Michael Matthey / dpa / Bild Allianz

Instead of stringing out of the spine via Auber, everything revolves around migration in the election campaign. Wirnere representatives see the critic

One of the spine policy was the traffic light government. The vertebral policy should be at the center of the election campaign for the new election. It is currently that for the Wehrler The most energetic topic. But since the fatal knife enforcement of an Auiseplicken Afghan on a Kleiinkind and a man in Aschaffenburg, debate is almost only a debate about eus sharper migration policy. Unions Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz put the election on the dating regulations on the Bondestag and accepted his goals soar. Not only for left -wing party and Wehler he has to die torn down the “fire wall”. From the point of view of the company, which has been tough for years, its gait is also hungry.

“Unboors are in acute danger,” warns the business leader of the Mittelstandsverband BVMW, Christoph Hlhaus, on an annual debate. “Germany’s vertebrae no longer has time.” The medium -sized representatives would “welcome, the political actors are reasonable to fend the wanging and entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and do entrepreneurs and do entrepreneurs and do entrepreneurs and do entrepreneurs. company.

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Migration is part of the Nick, on the contrary, the German vertebrae relies on immigration. Even the Union will accommodate the unused potential of the unused potential from domestic, such as unused and part-time, “but it is also clear: Without additional specialists from European and non-European countries, we will not be able to guarantee a competitive economic and labor market” , it was said in a proposal application for the faction.

Stop signal for specialist collecting and handshake

The general manager of the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI), Tanja Gönnner, now emphasizes against with a view to nasty of the Migitik, Germany -Müßen “. “The arbege and skilled workers are the big challenge for the location.”

Permanent border controls, as the Union demands, are the further danger to the weakening industry. The BDI therefore calls for “border controls as more efficiently and illustrocratic as possible”. “The free Grenzeug-riding goods and passenger traffic is for international networked German industrial industrial agency,” warns Gönnner. Imerhin afterwards she recognizes both

Longer waiting times A ten-digit euro berry Eich could cause costs in the nine-bis, Matthias Lücke from the Kiel Institute for World Wirtsu (IFW) presented the “Spiegel”. The negative effects on the hand flows and the resulting loss of welfare are serious. Including randomly controllers A German boundaries could therefore decrease in the long term from other EU countries by up to the percentage. However, the factual costs hung from how many refugees would be rejected. “Since the fiscal costs of the admission of refugees are noteworthy, border controls may be worthwhile.

New UN Empire of the company

In addition to rejections, the Union requires the exposure of family reunification for certain size. Undual assessment of the German Institute for vertebrate research (DIW Berlin) the plans “make the integration difficult, enlarge the arege-time brackets and the costs Fürenident Marcrätzell”, Kreilie.

The German craft warns “All parties of the Democratic Middle” to live up to their responsibility and to shape “a future -oriented migration policy together”, as Holger Schwannecke, General Secretary of the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH), reports. Integration hurdles would have to be built up, a controlled immigration of qualified specialists. “The craft needs pragmatic solutions to securing skilled workers, no political games.”

The in front of the vertebral sweats, Monika Schnitzer, condemned that Union was tingling the voices of the AfD for their destinations. The events in the Bundestag should hardly be interpretier by possible future coalition partners as a confidence -building measure, she told the “Handelsblatt”. “This will make Nick’s coalition negotiations easier and the unbridled heights will succeed in the election of government formation. Uncertainty, however, in the vicarious investment of the company. “

Vortians breathes new drive

The new federal government would have to die in particular, especially planning Opponent emphasized. “This has been the many big crises in recent years, but also political disagreement has gone on the track.”

The main managing director of the Arangeberverband BDA, Steffen Kampeter, considers a discussion about the migration hero claims necessary. But: “The vertebrae challenges remain,” he told the “Frankfurter general Sunday news”. “The more vortex grows, the easier it will be to confirm social politis challenges.”

The contribution has been published. Like Capital, the Sädfünlenportal belongs to RTL Germany.