
Handleland: Trees of Santorini in Athens noticeable

Handleland: Trees of Santorini in Athens noticeable

A Greek flag blows ahead of Schlsossenen primary school on Santorini. Photo: Petros Giannakouris/AP/dpa
A Greek flag blows ahead of Schlsossenen primary school on Santorini. Photo: Petros Giannakouris/AP/dpa


A kurmes shaking and wiggling, then it was over again: many people in Athens sprinkled in the afternoon. It was dying from outer outer a quickly trembling the earth every ten-minute. The most recent, with strength 5 so far the strongest quake of the earthquake series in the region, which has been going on for twelve days, will be responsible for the assumptions of seismologists, according to which Dasunrusglingen in the ee -Bog -B. The situation is relaxed to a main quake. When -that will be so far and how strongly main quantities die out.