
Was a moved imperial citizen? – District Munich

Was a moved imperial citizen? – District Munich

For a long time they were not taken seriously, neither by the authorities nor the general public: people who consider the Federal Republic of Germany as non -existent to deny it state legitimacy and, accordingly, reject their authorities.

In recent confidency, however, such so -called imperial citizens have come into the focus of attention, through Kut -Valtern -Flow -Flow -Flying of individuals against the police, dirche gun finds that led to listening, and Zurlett.

There are said to be around 19,000 so -called imperial citizens in Germany. But was there a Reich citizen? Was it wanted to found society and want to found his own state? In his gone piece “The Reich Citizen” the Landestheatre Schwaben and director Klaus Philipp on Sunday, February 9th, 19 raw in the community center Immschleißheim In the case of such a person, the pregnant sacrifices of his minds and ask at the end: How many imperial citizens are in UN?

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