
1500 euros for downtown Hechingen

1500 euros for downtown Hechingen

The team of the children’s exchange in the ranking hat is a large -scale edition editions at Hölhe of 1500 euros and the club in the city center of Hechingen eV. Lisa Wägele, Verena Dietrich and Kerstin Maichle of the Sternschnuppe team, children’s exchanges ranked. The association in the city center of Hechingen EV was committed to the end of the end and inculusion of people with back sessions. According to the press release, Dieder expenditure is to be promoted as project and initiatives that verbes and participate in society in society. “We are unbelievable for the large -scale editions,” said Uli Kapala and Jasmin whine Ernschnuppe Freis to be able to contribute to this important arange lists and thanks everyone involved and supporters of the children’s exchange that made it possible to spend.