
Fellbach: Figure Theater in Fellbach The dragon keeper

Fellbach: Figure Theater in Fellbach The dragon keeper

The Töpperwien puppet theater from Stuttgart game for children from 4 years.

City of Fellbach

04.02.2025 – 4:25 p.m.

The doll dealer Töpperwien from Stuttgart tells with hand puppets and a few simple means on Friday, February 14, 2025, 4 p.m., in the city egg and family center of the “Drachenkehrsin” (Füsriger Abien Center.

“Dragon tail and dragon blood, you have strength and you have courage. There is wildlind, the Dr. She brings her potter to Marthild, which is one of the iron chatter, the grim glow kite Haldor, who fought with people, and a dragon. Is there really a tiger dragon?

Entry for Figure Theater Imstad and Family Cerum, Eberhardstraße 37, 70736 Fellbach, entered 5 euros. Tickets are available in advance Bem I-Punkt Fellbach, Marktplatz 2, phone 0711/580058, email:

[email protected]. Bittte Note the aging!

Program and information: City of Fellbach-Kulturamt, Hintere Straße 16, 70734 Fellbach, phone 0711/5851-364, email: [email protected]

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