
Scandal: Eulalio Gomes’ handy is a political and mafia stricture that affects Honor Colorado

Scandal: Eulalio Gomes’ handy is a political and mafia stricture that affects Honor Colorado

Asunción: Judge Osmar Legal, the prosecutor has submitted a report on the data that was obtained from the deceased MP Eulalio Lalo Gomes.

Judge Osmar Legal defaulted talks that stroked the WhatsApp application of the late MP Eulalio Lalo Gomes with boo-ranked, such as the HC Congress Member of Orlando Area, the Prosecutor’s Prosecutor’s Katia Uemura and Prosecutor-Sstella-Sassanwäswäswäwä-Stella-S -Stella Uemura Uemura and Sadi Estela Lopez.

“Last year we had already arranged the extraction of data from various mobile phones and computers, and since it is in the sole and exclusive authority of the judge to delete the content, certain messages were found that are connected with criminal acts in public corruption “The judge began to say a meeting with the media.

Legally declared that he had reimbursed Staatanwaltner so that the behavior of the parties involved could become.

“If we were barking, there are some screenshots of the extraction, that is that that of one and then and then the judiciary.

When asked about the content of the concrete concrete conversations, the judge legally emphasized that several corruption actions can be uncovered.

“There were best bitten bits and fessals and checks with high beds; There are possible fows for actions such as bribery or bribery, but that will be part of the investigators’ arange, ”he said.

One of the talks of February 21, 2022, when the judge Sadi Estela López asked the MP, in which the authorities of the Jurado de Enjuiciamiento de Magistrados (JEM) in the case of destruction in the Seigen -Mansgen -Mangeges -Mangeges -Corporate AUSTORT INSEGES. He half in doing so.

Remarkably, the judges became Jem Frietreschen on April 6 of the same year, since no evidence against them.

Other talks goats a preservation between Gomes, the prosecutor Katia Uemura and MP Arévalo, the deputy traution of the JEM, so that complaint Wengen, founded, drug -hungry rats to the, was able to relate to. She was spoken in December 2023.

The Gomes Revhmsanwalter, Oscar Tuma, realized the chats of the chats, even though they prove that it has freezing.

Wegenblatt / última Hora

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