
Recognize signs in the beginning and final stage

Recognize signs in the beginning and final stage

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How is what symptoms are typical? And what do you get in the final stage? You can find out here.

A strange covering, a wound or a burning: If the tongue is changed, some people are quickly concerned that cancer could be.

In the Meisten Fälens there is death, unintelligent and minter the be chosen is a forgivable cause. However, if certain signs keep a vein, a doctor is opened, such as BEM family doctor, Bem dentist in an ENT practice. Beners should be aware of people with an increased risk of tongue cancer. (Read here which factors significantly increase the risk.)

Tongue cancer develops in particular in the front two thirds of the tongue. Expert then organize him Oral caves To. Mundhea cancer can occur in the geesamt mouth. In addition to the tongue, the mouth floor and the Inn Sensia of the lower lip are particularly affected. If there is cancer in the back of the tongue: then it is one. Throat cancer.

In 2020, over 13,000 people in Germany will be diagnosed with oral cavity-aser throat cancer, which also includes tongue cancer.

Tongue cancer can result in various symptoms. Which symptom occurs exactly depends on it,

  • Where exactly the cancer occurs.
  • How strongly the disease has moved away: in the early stages there are usually other or weaker spats than in the final stage.
  • Um which form of cancer is exactly.

Tongue cancer can be based on both the tongue and on the side of the tongue. It is more common, especially on the edge of the tongue.

At the beginning, tongue cancer remains undetected, Denner starts with neither jokes nor through swallowing disorders that are grinded.

The once aisle can be a painless disturbance in the tongue, Berber can be seen in the early stages of white eaters red spots that cannot be wiped off. A succinct little wound with whitish bearings is also more common. A knot -shaped thickening on or one of the tongue is also a possible indication of tent cancer.

For some of those affected, lymph nodes are already swollen to the disease of the disease.

Such copies can have numerous causes and are not proof of tent cancer. To ensure, you should let the beer be given as a week.

If titten cancer or oral cavity-like throat cancer in the early stages remains unhotened, ere can spread further- depth both in dying and on the surface.

Complaints are then ZUMISPLAY:

  • Burning pain on the tongue, especially when swallowing
  • Badger
  • Bleeding from the change
  • A Tauubes feeling in the tours, lipe or other berches in the mouth
  • Tooth loss/tooth loosening
  • Poorer seat from denture

The person concerned can eat tired and cheat. Loss of appetite, weight loss and a drop in Leieste are other possible symptoms.

Oral cavity or throat cancer often grows into surrounding tissue and destroys this. He can sprinkle and form daughter -tumors (metastases). Lymph nodes on the neck can already be affected. If metastases arise in other areas of the body, such as in the lungs.

In terms of the course, sick people die increasingly problem with swallowing, chewing or speaking. In the case of cancer in the area of ​​throat, voice and breathing disorders can occur, sometimes severe pain, die up to the paddock and neck. Further symptoms can be hoarseness, one -side feeling of foreign body, blood cough/blood in saliva -or pain, die up to the ear.

Cancer in the area of ​​the oral cavity or throat – and therefore also tent cancer – can be curable, reason is discovered and treated at the earliest.

If the following regulators last for weeks, an enforcing viewing is energetic by a specialist:

  • Red vein wheat, non -wipeable Flegne must be the oral mucosa
  • Gewer -like changes -or defects in the mouth (ZUMISISPLAY on the Zegein)
  • A deaf feeling, for example a the zero vein of the lip
  • Swelling in the oral cavity
  • Middle -up moved to the tongue
  • Problem when speaking, also possible with the alen
  • Problems or joking while swallowing
  • A foreign body feeling in the mouth or throat (usually one side)
  • Pain in the mouth of the mouth
  • Unclear bleeding in the mouth
  • Badger
  • A swelling on the neck
  • Loose teeth without known cause
  • hoarseness
  • Pain, die until ear radiate
  • Coughing of blood, blood in saliva

General symptoms such as persistent fatigue, inexplicable weight loss, energy -lacking appeal are also a cladding freutons.