
‘Castle’ at Kabel Eins in Livestream and … Iserie

‘Castle’ at Kabel Eins in Livestream and … Iserie

Hute, on February 5, 2025, an episode of the crime series “Castle” is on TV. You can find out all information for delivery, about live stream and the repetition of “Koopfjäger” here, just more TV tips with elevent programs such as “Schloss”. It was better to see on the Internet: Kabel Eins also offers a live stream A online.

“Castle” Hute on TV and live stream with “head hunter”

Beckett is plentiful, so Castle exceptionally detective slaughterers in his investigation in Unterstein. The two men interfere with the murder and a gang member and are sewing well too?

When will “Castle” be repeated from 05.02.2025? TV date and cable one-media library cable

Can you see “Castle” Hute at 04:30 a.m. Nick? Here the cables could be useful. This offers online numerous TV -Betrotal as a video on demand for streaming – also and for everything after the respective broadcast on the television. There will be no repetition on TV for the time being. As a rule, you will find the program new to the TV closure online. Unfortunately, the nick gilds for all programs.

All information and actors of “Castle” at a glance

WITH: Nathan FillionStana Katic, Susan Sullivan, Jon Huertas, Seamus Dever, Tamala Jones, Molly C. Quinn, Michael Mcgrady, Reynaldo Gallegos and Mario Ardila Jr.

Date: 05.02.2025

At: Cable one

Consequence: 21 / season 4 (“Koopfjäger”)

genre: Crime series

FSK: From the age of 12

Proliferation year: 2012

Length: 40 minutes (from 04:30 a.m. to 5:10 a.m.)

In HD: Yes

Further episodes of “Castle” on TV

When and where you will follow “Lock“You can see on TV here:

The information about the season and the episode number number are verb from the respective TV channels and may differ from the designation in the official episode guides.

The Trailer To “Lock” You can see here: