
Neubrandenburg sushi master magazine job

Neubrandenburg sushi master magazine job

Business two months is for Samsor Abdul Of course, the nature of the sushi bar finds it. BE in restaurateur Immärz 2022 from Ukraine to Germany, war in the Ukrainian capital Kiev have been among the chef and sushi meap. Now one of the new sushi bar in the Nebrandenburg Globus market is aret.

Creativity is fun

The Arange -Mit Sushi always explains creativity, Archbaus Samsor Abdul in conversation with the Nordkurier. He enjoyed the fact that he can surprise customers with Dieder creativity.

After his arrival in Germany, the sushimester had now completed language courses. The contact with Globus then came about via the JobCenter Mecklenburg Seenplatte-Süd. After the first talks, Samsor Abdul sewed sewn to Braunschweig to look at the afternoon, and in December the work started with one of the Neubrandenburg sushi bar. There are three people there.

“I am a bit freezing here,” says the restaurateur that he compares the job with his fruits Aritit in restaurants. At that time he worked raid until 10 p.m. or 11 p.m., now mostly raw from 6 to 14. This is for the Weil of hasty, so more time with his family can combine. According to the job center, his wife has a mini job, the couple hat a daughter.

Praise for colleagues and customers

When asked, Samsor Abdul and one of his new job. So he praises unanswered die -to -do team torch and his colleagues. “The customers praise and I was very free too,” he says. Communication with people is also in weight because it can improve his language skills.

Samsor Abdul also lists a lot in the inept between Germany and Ukraine, he was better liked here. So for example, the employee protection in Germany is better, and he also has a great advantage of the broken vacation days and work times.

Family united

Samsor Abdul lives with his family in the Neubrandenburg Oststadt, and his parents also live there. “So the family has found the family, the crowd, which is still very suffering to many people, in Neubrandenburg,” the job center sums up in a press center.

Professionally, the sushi master plans for the future: “It would be nice, we are going to develop unherites,” he says of the sushi bar.