
What’s next with the rainbow camp 2025?

What’s next with the rainbow camp 2025?

Over 30 years of Camptden tourists in Prerow in the rainbow camp. This is history now. After a long legal dispute over the evacuation of the square, Regenbogen AG gives up and makes the wide friend of the Neureiräser’s friend.

You can see recordings of camping site in a fantastic environment in the video.

Regenbogen AG operated the place since the turn

Was risk of war? Preceded -war the literally mud battle between the country MV and the environmental foundation, as well as the campsite priest.

Since 1992, also shortly after the fall of the wall, Regular Bogen AG, the campsite, which is located in the Vorpommersche Bodden landscape National Park. Only a very small floating belongs to the stock corporation, but the largest area has belonged to the state-owned Foundation for environmental and nature conservation Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since 2002. There is the actual campsite and almost the overall infrastructure.

The foundation expired the lease on December 31, 2023. “In the top in the top, be it time for new things,” said lawyer Dr.

Creation not acceptable:
Regenbogen AG refused to go

Only: Regenbogen AG has no institutions to clear the site. I am the opposite. With hands and feet, man fought, folds dying and a trifled sieich bookstly in the Baltic Seesand. Complaints follow that were answered with counter -suits. In some cases, up to the right, the courtes dealt with the dispute.

The rainbow camp’s team is wrongly broken. From the company’s point of view, one of the lease contracts for the so -called forest plots are still running until 2042, it says of EM Unlovers. However, there is a clause in the contract that says that the contract has to become new, which the own alenter changes. Fruer war the federal government.

Renovation backlog die camper

Regenbogen AG just wanted to give up her best horse in the stable, the Prerower campsite Nick. Regenbogen AG Supplementary parts 19 campsites in northern Germany is also an age in the Diediesem area. The publicly visible annual report can be seen -even that the campsite in Prerow is something like the gold donkey in the stable. Around a four-man of her sales, the AG-MIT-MITH-DES traditional campsite on the peninsula.

Also, in 2023, they alone put 400,000 euros in attorney costs instead of investing in renovations on the schnapps. However, they were urgently found by the camping guests.

The previous operator, Regenbogen AG had to clear parts of the campsite according to a court judgment.

The previous operator, Regenbogen AG had to clear parts of the campsite according to a court judgment. (Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa)))

Nun the rainbow AG curved the surfaces. On the website you can no longer book a vacation in the thin one. Anyone who is still referred to the following note: “We are free to find that Sieich is interested in vacation on the rainbow holiday complex.

The new operator will be launched in 2025 with a partial company start

And what’s next? Environmental Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) recently drummed up a round of talks, with local politicians from Prerow, Campern and Demkeuen operator Campers Friend Umh -ubergentzbeit -ubergentzeztzer -Organismae.

“I would have a matter of Annen on the total area of ​​new Campers friend in 2025, in order to finally try to prevent a National ParkWo in Rainbogen AG in the course of the annoying year.”

So year is to die with a partial operation, even with camping on a small part of the area. The draft lease agreement for the dune area is available, the Ministry of the Environment said.

Frücher gets the nick possible, since according to the ministry, the Regenbogen AG refused voluntary robbery of the site, so that -by a bailiff, the bailiff had to take place.

Unclear how the trader continues

However, it is unclear how it is with the trader on the writer, the restaurateur. Since the seasonal company intersection can begin -Ab Easter for Daucamper, from June for Touristik -Camper -is expected to be compensated with loss of income.

However, since the management of Campers friend Hut to get to the trader, the Environment Minister relieves that the situation of the situation, the situation of the situation, can become more. However, he initiates the camping fans Aberch for a difficult time: “It won’t be a season like any other.