
Woman lives unnoticed in the basement until Hausbeischer has a hedged door

Woman lives unnoticed in the basement until Hausbeischer has a hedged door

A home officer in China makes eus shocking discovery: a fau lives in his basement. Autumn lands in court.

A man from the province of Jiangsu in the east of China Hut bought a house for around Zweimulaner Yuan (around 264,400 euros) in 2018. Seven years later, a terrifying discovery made: a person lives in his basement. That reports dying “South Chinese morning post“And refers to information from” Netase News “.

The man who bears the last name LI stops behind a staircase when up on the hidden door. She fits into a basement, which, among other things, has a ventilation system, scary anunt and even a small bar.

Cauerin: “I never stated that the basement belongs”

It turned out that the seller spent time there herself. “I sold the house, but I never said that the basement lists,” she is quoted by the “South Chinese Morgen Post”. The basement is your personal recreation room.

Li war believed that the entire property in the property should be. The case ended up in court, with the landlords being. It was sentenced to pay for a financial ink.

Naked man lives unbroken to a house

A senior citizen had to experience a field of terror in the US federal government. There the police have to do A naked man stuck in the crawl cellar her skin lived. The police even had to use trälgas to remove it. As NBC reports, the family had heard strange noises for week.